
Plus, Prime has Dog City!

Will Dave Barry provide the film's score?


Jim Shooter strikes again.

Wasn't Peter mind controlled? I never read the story, but I recall looking at the art.

His Cookie Puss/Fudgie the Whale cross-over will be a box office smash and a critical darling.

They were about rebellion!

Depending on how you define "concert" either Sesame Street or Muppet Babies LIVE.

I guess you didn't want a new drug. Or duck.

But do you like short-beaked or long-beaked echidnas? There are two genera, man!

Platypus, bitches!

I'm the pious guy the little Amlettes want to be like
On my knees day and night, scorin' points for the afterlife.
So don't be vain, and don't be whiney,
Or my brother I might have to get medieval on your heinie.

And now you can pay to read the articles!

While Tombstone is the superior film, Dennis Quaid is by far the superior Doc Holiday.

I don't know, from the podcast with Marc Maron, it sounds like his daughter is pretty awesome in her own right.

I see Jim Gaffigan's fingerprints all over this.

Checking the nutrition information on the box, I've found that a lot of vegan hot dogs, bacon, etc., have comparable or even higher levels of fat and sodium. So if you're doing it for moral reasons, power to you. If you're doing it for health reasons, it seems like a lateral move.

Your rap on Healthy Food is sublime.

Can't be worse than Rick Veitch, who thinks 9/11 was an inside job.

Where's my money, Ray?
-Huey Lewis