
Mrs. Empty

So the invaders aren't just aliens, they're Muslim aliens? Got to call Fox News at once!

Ah! I'm dying. The honkeys shot me!

Let's see: Leviathan, Behemoth, the one in Revelations, the ones in Pseudo-Matthew… Are there any I'm forgetting?

Isn't that Aleister Crowley?

Well, she waved goodbye to him, which I'm guessing means he just had the imaginary tea with her and nothing else.

Too rich for my blood. Oh, why did I bet my blood?

Travis McGee's still in Cedar Key
That's what ol' John MacDonald said
My rendezvous's so long overdue,
With all of the things I've sung and I've read.

Fire bad!!!

At least we finally got confirmation that Libya really did blow up the Lockerbie flight. I had read many conspiracy theories seeming to suggest it was a false flag operation as an excuse to bomb Libya, etc.

My name is Manuel Noriega, dictator of Panama.
I have an army. They are all privates, 'cause I'm the only general.

Not to get nit-picky, but did we ever support Qaddafi? Are you thinking the period immediately after he overthrew the monarchy and didn't seem completely crazy, or that period between his giving up his nuke program and being brutally murdered?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say Mike might have had other factors at play that helped lead to his poverty. Trusting Don King is probably not a great idea, financially speaking.

He's his generation's Tim Meadows.

And vice versa.

The misuse of Abby Elliott galls me to this day. She was a fantastic mimic. Her potential was limitless! Arrrgh! I have to go punch a wall.

Yes it's not the laugh-a-minute romp that was the Filipino experience with the United States.

Algernon and Old Yeller have so many adventures on that farm run by Mr. Hooper.

Algernon and Old Yeller have so many adventures on that farm run by Mr. Hooper.

Algernon and Old Yeller have so many adventures on that farm run by Mr. Hooper.