
Also, bacteria outnumber your cells, so you really don't want to anger them.

But she's a frigging producer on the show! If she didn't want to deal with babies, why did she green-light the pregnancy storyline for this season?

So is McDonald's.

Did you spring for the unlimited appetizers for $10?

This post calls for a toast. Would you like some champ-agne?

According to a fine short story by Rosemary Edghill, it was James Cruikshank. He attended Eton, where he gained a distaste for young boys, specifically wealthy ones.

Pan's got a great rack.

After all, AIDS is a deadly, incurable disease. But no matter how you come to judge, Charles Wheeler and his partners' unethical, moral, and inhuman terms, the fact of the matter is, when they fired Andrew Beckett because he had AIDS, they broke the law.

Dude, why?

That was a mini-series set in the past (the 1960s, or thereabouts), back when Bucky was still working for the Soviets. It was also a way of fleshing out the back story of the Iron Nail, who used to be a deep-cover Shield agent but is now a villain in the Captain America series.

Wait, so does that mean we aren't in the Bizzaro-world?

I really enjoyed John Carter, but Mr. Kitsh certainly seems to have a talent for failing upward.


One of those things doesn't belong.

It's when something resembles an iron.

It wasn't a chicken! It was a baby!

Okay, five years ago.

And all that time he was smoking harmless tobacco.

Sweet zombie Jesus, the Jim Carrey sketches will be replacing the whale in my nightmares. Who thought, upon completing the drawings, that they should be shared with people and not burned to ash?

He sounds like a special man.