
I gained a huge amount of respect for Cheech Marin that way.

If you say you remember that show, you are a God damned liar.— Cracked.com

Starring Jenny McCarthy as the Tongue depressor.


The closer The Hero of Akron-Canton is to fiiiiiiiiiiiine.

I warned you! The colored fonts were forged by Lucifer himself!

Nobody believed I was trying to Google black crocs.

At least they didn't use the horse cuffs.

Preston was just amazing in everything. I still can't believe he lost the Oscar for Victor/Victoria.

But he can pilot the X-1 like a boss.

Mother, Juggs, and Speed

Yes, they were.

An argument that can't be boiled down to a rhyming chant is not an argument worth having.

"Yes, I see."

I hate Big Vagina. That's why I only get hand-made, artisanal Vajayjays. They cost a little more, but we only have one planet.

What's sad is they can't even talk to their therapists about it.

Suzanne Krajewski?

That song already has a video, and it is probably way darker than even American Dad could do. It's probably on YouTube.

But SAL, with Candice Bergen's sexy voice, is still going strong!

OK, then. Generally speaking, fewer is used when your are talking about individual objects (few guns, fewer rights), whereas less is used when you are talking about anything you use as a mass (less sugar, less starch, less filling).