
My mom's from Medina, Ohio, which is pronounced Med-eye-nuh, as in rhymes with Carolina.

What about 101 Fellations?

Eh, you're better off. I hear all of their psychics are frauds.

I mean, this episode even had the Fonz in it!

Like Sheldon's urine measuring cup.

Hey, I like bologna!

Oh, god, really? *Sigh*

None of us successfully capture the subtlety or nuance of Proust's work, so Todd gives the posts to the girl with the biggest tits.

Don't eat pasta at the Gergich house I guess is the take away.

I always liked Billy Crystal's translation: "These aren't my shoes!"

Theatrical cut or director's cut of Abyss? Either way, nipples.

I case might be made for Mayim Bialik, who really does have a doctorate in neuroscience.

This always bugged me for some reason but: Don't they record cartoon voices before they're animated, not after? Unless he was dubbing a foreign-made cartoon.

I whole-heartedly agree. I actually think she grew up very well, considering cute kids can sometimes turn out…well. I believe it's called the Boniduce effect.

Blow, I assume.

So is the moral that we should de-fund the arts?

She's come out as bi. She's married to a man, but has had relationships with women in the past.

He can still go to Hell for helping Jenny McCarthy get her message out, though.

I'll grant you both Ultimates volumes. Those were awesome, wonderfully fleshed out and well-written (if you can overlook some misogyny, nativism, and mild homophobia). But everything else…

Buenos dias, El Salvaaaaaaaador!