Local Man

There is some truth to this (people are racist because they tend to fear/hate difference), but using that kind of social Darwinism to explain complex behavior patterns is a little simplistic. You can use evolution to explain about any modern behavior, based just on the fact that because it exists, it must have been

I'm really laughing a lot at this.

I hate, hate, hate Xmas music, but I laughed out loud at that Patton Oswalt bit.

Oops, I meant "example: Steve Jobs", for reasons you mentioned. He tried a bunch of bullshit "alternative" therapies against his doctors' wishes, delaying actual treatment for years. If you're rich enough, you can shop around until you find a doctor to do what you want instead of just finding a (hopefully) competent

The very poor and the very rich get absolutely terrible medical care in this country (ex. Steve Jobs).

Who the fuck is that woman on the far right trying to kid?

You guys watch a lot of tv, eh?

He does have quite the rapier wit.

Odds they had sex inside the horse carcass?

Why bother with the gloves?

Didn't Samuelsson just win Top Chef Masters? What the hell's that guy trying to prove?

Wow, useful! Thanks, Sam.

Dear god, he was 21 when he founded Apple!  And 31 when he bought Pixar!!  And 45 when he introduced the iPod and changed music for the entire fucking world.  Christ, way to make everyone else on the planet feel inadequate.

Dressed in that fancy jacked with his hair all gelled up and tortoiseshell glasses, he's pretty much asking to be photo-raped.

Understood. Not trying to name drop or anything, it's more that I'm still a little ashamed of getting sucked into the angry mob screaming for his head and contributing to fucking up his entire life. Though, if you're looking for evidence I'm not a good person, you don't exactly have to go back to 2003.

I was at that game (section 211, near the back but still close enough to understand what happened when it happened). I yelled at that guy so much I thought I was going to start spitting blood. Then I saw the aftermath, with him getting smuggled out under a security guard's coat and disappearing into hiding for nearly

You know, Tanguy, I agree. I wish I cared about anything as much as this farmer cared about not wanting boobs on his land.

Give Tom Six a call, I'm sure he'll be happy to show you.