
Conspiracy theories are just that. I have no problem imagining Varys happily betraying Daenerys for a better ruler. But there are no better rulers on offer. Cersei is as mad as the Mad King and Jon Snow is as dumb as he is righteous and a terrible military commander to boot.

How do you think Craster got his deal? Difficult to arrange without talking.

Because chemistry makes for great TV?

I want Drogon to die from his spear wound. Perhaps the spear was laced with DragonEx (TM) brought to you by Qyburn Pharmaceuticals? Invincible dragons are boring. Dany should be forced to make more of an effort.

You don't mind incest as long as it stays in the family?

scorpio, scorpionis m. Desiste loqui lingua barbarica!

Dany burning up all the food is spoiling the spoils. Winter is coming, in case you didn't know.

The problem with dragons is that they are outranged by ballistas, like, 350 metres.

@Drake cutter
D&D as a source on dragons? You know nothing, Jon Snow.
A Roman scorpio is accurate over a distance of 400 metres. Caesar tells the tale that the Gauls lost three men in succession on a rampart at the siege of Alesia till they realized, that a scorpio was trained on that spot and would accurately kill

As GRRM explicitly explained in "A Clash of Kings" that a knight in arrmour falling into the water is doomed, I am curious how the writers will save Jaime (not if).

I'll bend the knee if you spread yours?

Not much to stare at, though. But you can overlook that.

Fair point.

So dragons don't breathe fire, they breathe napalm. And those battle scenes. Dothraki cavalry has no lances, so they need Drogon to make a breach into the shieldwall. After that, the Lannister infantry simply forgets how to use lances and lets them through anyway.
Bronn, you fool, don't fire till you see the yellow in

Our Leonardo of Qyburn clearly built some pulleys in. Much easier to do than the flak swivel design.

Even the beautiful Jessica Williams can't afford running around with a ring in her nose like a prize bull.

The only thing that can save the dragons from a ballista is plot armour. If the dragons can be wounded by a spear flung by a man, a ballista is deadly. Replica of the Roman scorpio are accurate over a distance of 400 metres. Caesar reports a scorpio killing three Gaul in succession on the ramparts of Alesia - it took

Tolkien can't make up his mind whether to write "The Edda" or "Tales of the Shire", which makes him an easy mark for GRRM's sarcasm. You can't "dig deeper" into Tolkiens mythos as there is no depth.

I wish those femen activists had more substantial arguments. Being firm is not everything.

GRRM fucking with his audience never gets old. Especially with that part of the audience that "has not been paying attention" and is still waiting for some disneyfied LOTR.