I'm still waiting for The President's Penis myself.
I'm still waiting for The President's Penis myself.
Smithers does every time someone needs to be chased off Mr. Burns' property.
I need to call my dealer.
Why do you hate illegal aliens so much?
Fuck you, Chris Jr, or Christine or something.
The real question for this shows quality is this, was it worth not getting a Bugle last week?
He definitely said what I was thinking.
Look, Ozzy needed to piss and that wall was right there. How was he supposed to know it was some historical landmark for some bullshit that no one can remember.
I'm wondering if it's her husband or if she's cheating on him with a clown for a photo shoot.
Well son, that man is Hitler. And he's fucking your pet donkey.
Only if he was dressed as a lady nazi.
I would imagine it would be a strap on a boot. Or a strap that has boots on it. One of the two.
I thought that was in 2008… and 2004… and 2000… 1996… 92, 88, 84, 80….
And those people will be Buglers without HBO.
It'd be kinda great if Stephen "left" an episode early and had the final one be hosted by "new" host Esteban and then canceled.
I saw him in February and he was awesome.
Chris Nowinski did a great interview on Chris Jericho's podcast last month.
Theft was invented for a reason.