Yee-arr! It be a truth universally acknowledged…
that any sailor worth their salt must make peace with the cap'n upstairs before anything else! This Hanna McTanna has not the PRIDE AND PREJUDICE to do this. Herefore, the movie won't be nautical.
Yee-arr! It be a truth universally acknowledged…
that any sailor worth their salt must make peace with the cap'n upstairs before anything else! This Hanna McTanna has not the PRIDE AND PREJUDICE to do this. Herefore, the movie won't be nautical.
Yee-arr! It is a truth universally acknowledged…
that Elizabethtown is such a miserable film that I have lost all me goodwill towards Crowe. His PRIDE AND PREJUDICE infuriates me! I'll make him an Orlando Bloom walk the plank!
Yee-arr! It be a truth universally acknowledged…
that James Franco was funny on that Rob Cordry show! I liked it!
Moby Dick! One of my favorite seafarin' novels! That Herman Melville was me lover for quite a few years! Was actually pretty fond of the Patrick Stewart version! It filled me with PRIDE, AND PREJUDICE against other adaptations.
Why not Cowboys vs. Pirates? I love pirates! They rob me ship of booty on a regular basis! I don't have the PRIDE AND PREJUDICE to tell them otherwise!
It takes all my PRIDE AND PREJUDICE not to send this fool off the plank! Me crew thrive on fast food during our long voyages to sea!
On my fine vessel Smurfs are akin to plague rats, so I relate to Sony's plight! I need to use all my PRIDE AND PREJUDICE to convince them to vamoose!
Yo Ho Ho Ho!
A life on the streets for me!
Arr, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, this evil attitude of yours will earn ye a one-way trip to Davey Jones' Locker! How's that for an evil house? Bleak House, you could say.
Yee-arr! George Lucas!
Yer scurvy deeds will earn ye a one-way passage to the BONEYARD!
@Nathan Ford's Evil Twin
Yee-arr! This will…
… haunt me more than my ghostly encounter with the Flying Dutchman! Paul Reubens is far more terrifying than any denizen of the deep!
Yee-arr, do ye mean pipen down the hatch? Are ye too a sailor? There seems to be some contusion in regards to the matter…
I be a potential sailor as well! Take it from me, Character-Who-Gets-A-Needlessly-Bad-Rap-And-Who-I-Think-Is-One-Of-The-Few-Bright-Spots-Of-This-Season-Barring-The-Horror-Of-Her-Scene-In-Empty-Places, it be an even more taxin' life than killin' beasties. All those lonely sea nights…
Yee-arr, is that how ye do it? My time sailin' the seven seas might have rendered me confused…
Community is bullshit
I'm into hard comedy.
Yee-arr, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, yer scurvy deeds will earn ye a one way passage to the boneyard!
Yee-arr, I propose that I star in this sequel. If Chief Wiggum could do it, why not me?
Yee-arr, I shall as well, with as much respect as I paid at the funeral for Maude Flanders.
Yee-arr, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, George Lucas only makes PG-13 movies, never ARRRRR!