
Fair enough.

Thanks i and 1. I checked the site search too, after I was made to feel like a complete arsehole.

That second option sounds lonely.

Clue + The 'Burbs
This movie and The 'Burbs are two of my favourite 80s comedies. Total comfort movies. Has there ever been a write-up of The 'Burbs on this site? If yes, link please. If no, why the hell not?

I remember a couple years back, catching a Home Improvement repeat on TV. I think the Taylor family was bowling or something. Anyway, my mind was blown when we realized that Tim Allen had a massive coke nail clearly visible to the viewers at home. Pretty funny.

Elfman doesn't orchestrate shit!

"But this isn't a movie for him just yet: He'll have to graduate through the world of nice for a while, at least until his core values are intact and he can enjoy something a little more ambiguous."

I've said it before:

can we get a comment from dennis quaid pls???!


This guy oughtta rot in hell for what he done.

Fantastic Planet really may be my favourite movie.

It's a parody of all the spam over on Andy Rooney's Facebook fan page.

Sounds to me like a load of crap and something I would never read!

Forty million years ago I was a failed recumbent bicycle salesman. 7 nights ago an old Internet friend portaled me and my bladders an invite to a membranous mucus-scum sac cucumber slab scab blab. I now have the financial freedom to build sand-castles along the riverbanks, at my own pace, admittedly a very slow

Waiting in Vain
Your assessment of Waiting in Vain sounds like what I thought of the record, minus a couple instantly memorable songs, after the first one or two listens. After a few more listens it really opened up and I grew to love it.

Re: Anger

Thank you Violent J.
"But other times we're saying, "Hey man, I know everybody can get caught up in the mundane routine of life, but every once in a while, stop and look around and look at some of these amazing things that we've been given on this earth. Look at the stars at night and look at the mountains, look at

Usually there's one REALLY crazy person and one slightly crazy or not-really-that-crazy person. Depending on the personal charisma of the former and the dynamics of the relationship, yes, it is very possible for two people to deteriorate together into total madness.

This might be great.