
No worries about off-topic, there were about 80 topics in my post.


Lure him into a large house and ambush him with a film crew for ratings?

Tornadoes of Despair
This question sends me into tornadoes of despair. I am forced to recognize just how shitty childrens' entertainment is nowadays. There's been precious little "childrens' pop culture" of note over the last decade that has captured my interest. The climate has changed. Producers of popular

Look on the bright side: you have an idea who half the people who contributed to this article are.

Would you say that to Tom Petty in 1983?

I really love Samberg as a straight man, like in the Galfianakis badai skit.

Yeah the potato chip skit was gold.

That potato chip skit melted my brain in the most delightful way.

That Estrada comment is some of the funniest shit I've read on here.

This O'Neal fellow would make a good Hater.

For covering Mr Show. long overdue and a pleasant surprise! :) :)

I agree, Cooper. It was a good idea getting a music critic in for Random Rules.

Autolux - Asleep at the Trigger
Radiohead - Jigsaw Falling into Place
Bochum Welt - Greenwich
Vetiver - Everyday
Spookey Ruben - Brand New Game
Primus - Sathington Waltz

Great find!

"At least he died doing what he loved." — what, having brain hemorrhages?

I've hated Matthew Lillard for like 15 years now.

That's a crass answer.

Yeah, I think I remember her suing FOX over the Family Guy using her image or something.

You first!