The North fucking remembers, and House Frey is no more. Arya continues to be amazing, and I thought Sansa was also magnificent this episode. She's ready to play the game, big time.
The North fucking remembers, and House Frey is no more. Arya continues to be amazing, and I thought Sansa was also magnificent this episode. She's ready to play the game, big time.
Mansplaining the word mansplaining is a pretty easy and unoriginal joke, but SV did it better and made it funnier than Modern Family ever could.
Aubry had a lot of friends on the jury, which could have translated as votes towards her. And she would have played the underdog angle.
The way she described it "I love the person, not the genital" put me more towards a pan leaning, but there isn't a huge difference between pan and bi anyways.
Nonetheless this is the queerest show on screen and I'm here for it.
It was a great description of pansexuality and an amazing way to introduce another identity into the show. It's been pretty stellar in terms of representing different identities.
Can I just say that Amanita is still the best partner out there, and is all the better for being black, queer, and Jewish?
Speaking of which, Selina delivered at least 3 or 4 anti-semitic jokes — calling him a Shylock, describing his nose, and a couple more that I can't recall.
Black women have different experiences than black men. Hence the whole "intersectional feminism" thing that considers how they are treated as both women and women of colour.
Yup, basically. She's aware that she can't act too "black" in front of them for fear of being more ostracized.
And in terms of Andrea, it's hard for me to say since her edit before the merge was so invisible. She does appear to be a strong physical and strategic threat to everyone in the other alliance though.
You're very welcome! I think more people (especially those who dislike Michaela) should be watching them to gain a different perspective. Her video from the episode before this one she gets emotional when discussing her scene with Cirie and hearing all the shit that people said about her onscreen. It's very moving.
Have you been watching Michaela's youtube videos, "Tea with Michaela B"? She talks a lot about how she's been forced into a box of sorts. As in, if she acts like she's playing too much, she's accused of being aggressive, but if she underplays then she's accused of being lazy. Either way, it's never good enough. Agree…
Didn't one of the winning team members mention how they wanted to make sure that the alliances were mixed up in the challenge to make sure there was no scheming done back at camp? If no one wants to talk strategy with Michaela anyways, there's no point having her on a team, even if she's stronger than half the people…
We were all Aubry when she pulled out the double middle fingers.
4 is also an unlucky Chinese number, correct? Might relate back to the sex-slave storyline.
I am Jewish actually, and my whole family still enjoys the shtick.
I found Mooney's character to be the more stale of the two. The unfunny part is the joke, but it's just painful to watch, and not in a good way.
Varner knows a lot of trans people and there are ways you can tell (mastectomy scars, facial structure, voice, etc.) that other people who aren't around transmen wouldn't pick up on.