
There was a PS+ sale this week (it's still going on, I think) and Yakuza 0 was cheap so I got it. Well, it was cheap-ish. I was hoping to get it for around 40, but CAD 55 is ok, I guess
Haven't played much yet, I'm in early chapter 2, but so far I've enjoyed it. I love the 80s aesthetic, so the setting really works for

A mustache ride from Henry Cavill? Uh… where do you have to show up for that? Asking for a friend

I know about the Broadchurch thing. He's also been doing more theater lately so I assumed that was also part of the reason for the demotion.

Kinda sad that Arthur Darvill was demoted to recurring guest, but I assumed they had written him off the show last season finale so I guess that's better than nothing

The show could easily go off the rails with more episodes (it did waste too much time on the whole 'Archie is a talented musician! really!' storyline) but this will also let the supporting characters get more screentime.
We barely saw anything of Josie or Kevin, for example, because the show was more focused on the

So did Cheryl's mom go back to the house to save Nana from dying in the fire or why is she all bandaged up?

I wanted to be excited about this because it's Star Trek but the fact that it's another prequel and the lack of Bryan Fuller kinda killed that, and this trailer is not helping things.
Part of the reason I hated the Abrams' movies is that they just felt like generic sci fi movies with a ST coat of paint, and I'm getting

The FeMC is better than the regular MC in every way really. Kinda sucks that she's kinda set up to be used in a second playthrough though

Guns are really only useful for hitting the few enemies weak to them but yeah, they're easy to ignore.

I liked the first game but it probably helped that at the time I hadn't soured on Fables yet

There's going to be a Riverdale crossover?

I liked Dr T's story so I didn't mind spending time with her.
Becky had a worse story, but her confidant ability was just so useful that I didn't mind it. Also help that her voice actress did a really good job

Your favorite confidant was Ohya? …really? Not judging, I'm honestly just surprised. Everyone likes Lala so no shock there, but most people don't like Ohya (if anything because she has the shittiest confidant ability) so I'm honestly surprised she's anyone's favorite.

I want to be excited about Wolf Among Us season 2 but the ending of the Fables comic was so shitty that it's kinda burned me on the franchise. Hopefully by the time season 2 ends (I always wait until the season's over to get Telltale games) I'll be somewhat excited about it again or I may just end up passing on it.

In my case sacrificing Chloe was a simple choice for a simple reason: I *hated* Chloe. I know, unpopular opinion, but I never warmed up to her, so I didn't mind her dying
Also, I spent a big part of the game trying to help all the other village idiots, would've been a waste if I had let the hurricane kill them

Shinjiro doesn't have an SLink in FES. He only has an SLink in P3 Portable if you play as the Female MC
In Portable you could argue that him dying early in the game actually makes his SLink better, because you want to spend as much time with him as possible to max it before he dies so his romance with the MC feels more

Ryuji's motivation is 'get back at the shitty adults'. Sorry, that should be 'get back at the effin' shitty adults'.
Kamoshida ruined Ryuji's track career, so at first he's doing it to specifically get revenge, later he does it to help others in similar situation and because he gets swept up in the rush of being a

Tactics also had several things in place that made gaining JP or each job much easier, which helped because fights there were much longer than in XII

Part of it was the standard complaint that the license grid made every character feel very same-y. Doesn't help that my favorite characters (Fran and Balthier) have the slowest attack animations or attack stats if you try to make a build for them closer to how they are portrayed in game (so, Fran as a mage/archer and

From what I've read VC3 is considered by some to actually be the best in the series, but I haven't played it so no clue if that's true.
VC2 is divisive really. Like @michaelnicchetta:disqus said, it's got some good bits, but it also fumbles really bad in some areas. It was also much more reliant on anime tropes than