
I adore FFX but have never bothered with the minigames. Leaving aside how difficult they are they just seem way too tedious and unnecessary (unless you're going for platinum, I guess)

I don't care much for XII (great characters and world, not great battle system and horrid leveling system IMO) but the localization was top notch. I'd say it's easily the best localization in the series, if not in Squeenix history

Finished Telltale's Game of Thrones last weekend and… that was not a good game. Haven't played that many other Telltale games, but this one was by far the worst. I think I liked their Monkey Island games better

I watched this video a while ago and thought it explained the whole Drakengard/Nier backstory pretty well:

I would say Donna Champlin should get a nom alongside Bloom, but I dunno about everyone else.
They're all really good, but I don't think they're on the same level as Bloom and Champlin (although that's partly because no one gets as much material to work with as them)

Oh, you're right, totally missed that. But yeah, it's not enough.
It's also a pretty damn weird nom because it wasn't the best song of the season (I'd say it was either 'Tell me I'm OK' or 'It was a Shitshow')

If iZombie can't even get mentions in end of year lists it didn't have a chance in hell of getting an Emmy nom.
I love the show but, even leaving the Emmys anti-CW bias aside, critics always forget it exists as soon as the season is over, so all it can maybe win are fan awards.

Guess the Emmy's forgot what the CW is again because Crazy Ex GF didn't even get technical noms this year

Pretty sure Twin Peaks was too late, same with GoT and Orphan Black

Kidman is an A list movie actress on an HBO show. Sarandon and Lange have a shot, but IMO it'd be extremely shocking if she didn't win it

Smallville may have been ok at best overall, but I still think it had the best live action versions Lex and Lois. Terrible as the writing may have sometimes been Michael Rosenbaum and Durance always knocked it out of the park

I had assumed there was more to the story because they already announced season 2 (although that was… 2 years ago? don't remember reading any updated about it since) but if the final chapter really ends like that then the I'm even less excited to finish the game.
Good thing it's a free game, I guess

Telltale's Game of Thrones is free on PS+ this month so been playing that. Haven't finished it yet (only played the first two episodes) and… it's not very good. Admittedly, I'm not really the audience for it because I bailed on GoT a couple seasons ago (if it hadn't been free I probably would've never played it) but

I know people started saying they thought Bash wasn't straight a while ago, but the moment when he put the glitter on is when I started to think so too. Because they didn't just show him put on some glitter, they showed him acting as if it were a big ritual. Yeah, you could probably just read it as him being too into

As I thought my vacation plans fell through (damn plane tickets, why you so expensive?) so I didn't go anywhere, but on the bright side that gave me plenty of free time to try out some places to eat I've been wanting to try for a while now. Probably spent more money on going out to eat this week than I usually do all

JSYK, the original Persona is nothing like Persona 5. The series underwent a massive change after P3, which added all the social sim aspects that people like
I can't comment on that FE game but Persona 1 has aged reaaaaaaally bad. There's some good parts here and there, but I found it to be pretty bad overall. If you

I dunno, I think he's still plenty attractive face wise. TBH, if he didn't look as he does or weren't as charming as he is then I wouldn't really find him hot because he is a bit too muscly

You know what's the best cure for that anxiety? More shirtless Jason Dohring. Shirtless Jason Dohring can solve all your problems. Ok, maybe not *all* your problems because you'd have to go to your bunk all the time… but it'd probably be worth it.

I hope so.
IMO, the two weakest parts of this season were the whole Ravi/Payton/Blaine thing and the writers going nuts with the personality changes (probably why I've mentioned it in like 3 or 4 episodes), so if they manage to fix those things then next season will immediately be an improvement

That is true but the bigger that area is the less efficient bombing it would be because it'd be harder to kill everyone