
Great finale. Yeah, it wasn't perfect (it did feel rushed in some parts and there were a couple clear info dumps) but it was still great and totally changed things up for next season.

I hope that Dale being a zombie means she's sticking around next season. The zombie forbidden love thing she'd have with Clive would be a bit of a retread of Liv/Major, but at least she'd be back

The problem though is that bombing an entire city would be harder than just bombing an island because you'd have to cover a much wider area. It'd be extremely hard to make sure not even a single zombie escaped the attack

Persona 5 is my GOTY so far, but I haven't played many other new games this year

Yeah, if anything I'd say grinding makes the game worse because it makes the game somewhat harder because it's more difficult to get money

Assuming I could get this at a reasonable price (an admittedly big if taking in count I'd have to buy it from a local reseller) I'd be all over this. Especially if it's like the NES Mini where you could hack it to add more games. Heck, I'd get it just to finally be able to play Sailor Moon Another Story on a big screen

Unfortunately the most common complaint about P5 is that the last 2 or 3 dungeons can feel too long.
IMO, those dungeons you are better off not doing in one go. Either do it in several in game days or just do them for a couple hours and then come back to the game later. I did them all in one go but I was only playing a

Finished Yakuza 5 a couple days ago. Only got about 47% completion rate, but that just speaks to how much stuff there is to do in a Yakuza game. Could probably spend a couple more months getting to a 100%
Overall I liked it but it had some glaring flaws IMO. The story for example started up pretty interesting, but

P5 is an extremely slow starter. Just like in the previous games it'll be a few hours into the playthrough until you get full control. That's part of the reason why it's a 100 hours game, it takes its time to set up or introduce stuff

No clue about VM (still haven't gotten around to watching it) but a quick Google search tells me he was shirtless in Enlisted at some point. Can't remember when though because all the shirtlessness I remember from that show was Parker Young's

When you look as good as he does can you blame him?

I know we usually see Major as the character with the saddest life because he's a main character but his sadness has nothing on Natalie's.
First she gets turned into a zombie by Blaine to work as a zombie prostitute, then she has to be locked up in a freezer by Major so she doesn't get killed, then she gets kidnapped

No, you're not alone, I'd also say he's too muscly. I mean, he could still get it 'cause he's charming as hell, but he is too muscly

I mean, if the show wanted to randomly introduce Chris Lowell and have him be shirtless I doubt anyone here would complain

I think some of the games they showed were running on Xbox One XXX: State of the Union, but because they weren't showing a comparison to the regular Xbone it was hard to tell if there really were any noticeable improvements. Also didn't help that most of us were streaming the conference so we weren't seeing it all

I doubt we'll ever get a dedicated portable system from Microsoft. I'd be shocked if they even considered something like the Switch where you get a console/portable hybrid because they seem to be mostly focused on making the most powerful hardware they can, and portable systems aren't a great fit for that strategy

Yeah, I get they wanted to be cute with the acronym (initials? idk) but they really should've come up with something else

I think part of the problem though is that Microsoft's entire conference was centered around the Xbox One X, but they didn't really give people a good reason to want to buy one. So if the big thing your conference was supposed to be about is kinda pointless and you can get most of the games they talked about

So what did everyone think of E3? I kind of agree with everyone, it wasn't a horrible show (EA had the only conference I'd call outright bad… although Develover's was pointless) but it was also pretty damn meh. There were a few interesting announcements here and there, but overall it wasn't a very exciting conference.

If there's a thing every VC player has to learn sooner rather than later it's this: Tanks aren't really all that useful.
If you get a specific weapon for the Edelweiss you can use it to one shot some very tough enemies, but overall because the Tank uses more turns than regular troops it's not really worth using. You're