
PS2 would be an easy choice for me. Even if you left out PS1 backwards compatibility, the PS2 had FFX, P3 and P4, and a crapton of other great JRPGs. Could replay those games a hundred times and never get bored

Was I the only one who thought this week's plot twists were kinda obvious? The moment Ravi started to tell Rachel everything my first thought was 'yeah, she's totally a reporter' and when they refused to show Harley's face it was pretty dang obvious he was going to be a zombie (it was either that or the guy who plays

Finished Yakuza 5's chapter 4 so now I'm on the home stretch to the end of the game. Just have to finish the final chapter.

So… what was the point of bringing Fish back if they were just going to kill her one episode later? Not that I care if she's dead or not, but that was kinda odd to me.

I want to give Revolutions a shot because of fondness for VC1 and 2 but everything I've seen about it looks terrible.
I am biased against action based RPGs so it probably wasn't a good game for me from the get go, but in all the gameplay videos I've seen the gameplay looks incredibly bad and just dull

I liked VC2 but part of that is because I used a cheat to bypass its class progression system because it made no sense whatsoever.
I get that they made it so you wouldn't break the game super early (although Avan was super game breaker anyways) but it made no sense that the post battle rewards didn't go to a common

Finished part 3 of Yakuza 5 and started part 4, so now I'm playing as Shinada.

Quick tip if you want to keep VC somewhat challenging: try to use all your characters, don't overuse scouts.
Scouts are absurdly overpowered in all VC games, so if you use them too much you can breeze through the game pretty easily.

Yay! Dale's back! I really like her and Clive together, so I'm hoping she sticks around.

Ok, I'm legit curious. Do the writers think Ra's al Ghul/the League of Assassins is still an obscure bit of Batman trivia? Because I don't know a ton of Batman lore but I thought it's been obvious for quite a few episodes now that the LoA was behind the court, so I really don't know why they're dragging the reveal out

Finished Saejima's section in Yakuza 5 and, as I though, as soon as the game let me back into the city he became much more fun to play as.
Actually, going back to the city made the earlier parts of his section even worse because once you went to have that meeting with whatshisface right next to a window and Baba left

I dunno, more often than not the show acts as if Liv were the only zombie who gets visions (I think they only showed Major having 1 and don't think they ever showed Blaine or Lowell get any). So it seems like the writers have made the personality shifts more prominent just because they think they're funny, not because

I really hope next season they dial back on the brain induced personality shifts. Obviously I'm not saying get rid of them, but maybe go back to how it was in season 1 where Liv was only influenced by the brains she ate, she didn't become those people outright.
Maybe it's because it's getting a bit annoying that all

What can I say? Chair-kun has needs. Needs that can only be satisfied by a "former" Yakuza weapons dealer.

You can max out every confidant, but it more or less requires you to plan our the entire year in advance and can force you into a low level/low money run
That's why most people don't bother trying to max every confidant/Slink on their first run, it takes out all the fun out of the game

Oh please, everyone knows Yusuke is the only true P5 husbando (Iwai is obviously the MC's side piece)

You mean what they're for? They're an additional SP source.
Between that and Kawakami made coffee you don't have to rely on accessories to get through an entire dungeon in one run without worrying about SP

The shrine is a location that you can unlock by reading that book or if one of your friends takes you there. Basically you can pay (I think it was 5k yen but not sure) to gain relationship points with one of your confidants.
Personally it's not that good because it makes time go by and because if you work on the

Maxing stats isn't a terrible idea really because to advance in some confidants you need to do that. Part of the reason why a lot of people (myself including) don't manage to max Haru's confidant is because she requires max proficiency at level 2, so you won't have that problem for example.

Around November-Early December the game will give you a ton of free time, most people max their confidants around there.
If you're worried about not being able to max most of them this time around then don't. I thought I would only be able to max maybe half of them but thanks to that patch of time I ended up being able