
Yeah, I'm really confused by anyone who says they're not high school anime tropes. They're certainly well handled and developed (aside from Yosuke IMO, who sucks and should've stayed in his trash can) but they're still trope-y as hell

Gameplay in P3 and 4 will definitely be worse (especially in P3 where you don't have full party control unless you play the portable version) but they're still very good games and I'm sure you'll like them if you liked P5
A lot of people actually prefer the characters in those games to the ones in P5, so you may even

"the notion that a traitor infiltrated the group was barely seeded"

Oh joy, now Lee is infected. Just what everything asked for, more time with Lee. Ugh. Sometimes you make it very hard to like you Gotham

Pretty sure the actors said on twitter that while Penguin is gay (or at least Edsexual) Ed is straight, so I'm guessing they may become friends again but romance is off the table

I'm pretty sure that you could see some drugs in the picture Kaneshiro took, that alone would probably be enough to blackmail someone.
This is also a time where you have to keep in mind one of the themes of the games is how Japanese culture is way more strict on kids than it is on adults. Even if going by the pictures

I'm loving Yakuza 5. At first I was a bit worried I wouldn't be able to follow the story but it's been really easy to pick up and after a while you really come to care about all the characters. Usually I don't really like super stoic protagonists like Kazuma all that much, but he's so badass and caring that I can't

If you're looking for professional video reviews and podcasts the Easy Allies crew are some of the best in the business IMO. They're the guys that used to be behind Gametrailers so they have plenty of experience

Part of me wishes iZombie weren't a mid season show because I want it back ASAP, but it's probably for the best. That way they won't have as many breaks during the season.

Jane is telenovela inspired but it's not as soapy as Riverdale, so it probably fits much better with Crazy Ex than with Dynasty.
If nothing else Jane and Crazy Ex are a good fit because they both fall in the 'terrible ratings, great critical reception' category

It's possible Justin really did not know about the cure but Fillmore Graves was spying on Liv and the others so they knew about the cure and just didn't tell their employees

According to Wikipedia Power Rangers did 135.6 million on a 100 million budget, so it broke even at best (depends on how much they spent on marketing)

No Lee. Don't go. You and Jim are sooooo interesting, how will the show survive without you? *eye roll*
Seriously, Morena Baccarin may be a lovely woman, but Lee hasn't added anything good to the show in a looong while, so if she does end up leaving it'll be for the best.

I want to be excited about this because the X-Men are the only Marvel characters I care about (Runaways only works when BKV writes them) but it's on Fox so…

I had read somewhere that some Yakuza games have recaps of the previous games, but if 5 has something like that I'm not sure where it is.

Uh… well… at least you didn't spend the trip just with Mishima?

You don't have direct party control in FES, that's a P3P only thing

Kinda sad Hermine is going full on evil so fast. Was hoping we'd have at least one good (or good -ish, I guess) parent in the show

In all fairness, Reggie was sidelined because Ross Butler was too busy with his Netflix show. The writers probably would've liked to use him more
It sucks he's being replaced but it's probably for the best, that way we'll get more Reggie

That's probably for the best. As I said, the final boss isn't all that tough so as long as you have some good persona and SP restoring items you'll be fine.