
As I thought, my PS3 wasn't working because the HDD was fried, so got a new one and brought her back to life (insert 'it's alive!' Frankenstein gif here).
Luckily I had most of my saves stored in the cloud (thank you PS+) so all I lost was some time re-downloading stuff, and even that didn't take long. Took me a while

Uh… in that case I think I have bad news for you

Where are you right now? The ship?

Enjoy Hawaii! Hope you get a scene with your waifu of choice

10. Adam, Blake, Xtina, Cee Lo, Usher, Shakira, Gwen, Pharell, Miley and Alicia.
Taking in count they're all still popular and working that's probably not as big a number as it could be

Maybe iZombie actually makes it into some lists in the Red universe? (assuming all TV reviewers haven't been encased in amber yet, of course)

IMO Crazy Ex is the CW's best show, but iZombie is a close second.

Yay! This season hasn't been as good as the first two but iZombie is still the best comic book show on the air by far, so I'm really glad it's coming back.

Wonder if they cut away from Selina 'coming back to life' because next episode is going to start with that or if the writers know everyone can see the obvious Batman Returns reference and are just letting the audience fill in the blanks. Not sure if I trust the writers to do the latter but that would be a nice surprise

No, you can't. It's PSP/Vita only. Although I think you can play the original PS1 game on PS3.
Meant to say I was gonna play WotL or, if I replace my PS3's HDD, Yakuza 5

He is, but I'm also about a decade older than him, so I'd rather not

I can blame both things.

Come to Riverdale, this town has everything: moody fog, incest babies, maple syrup, drugged milkshakes, Black Mirror references and even chastity abs. Chastity abs are that thing where you have an incredibly ripped dude that you want to ogle but then you remember he's 19 so you don't because you'd feel creepy (ugh,

Finished Persona 5 on Monday and god damn, that was an amazing game. I have some nitpicks and the wait for it to come out was far too long but it was totally worth it… although if they can take less time to release the next game that'd be great, kthx

So I'm guessing you played the original Nier because you like Emil best? (which is totally understandable, he's the best)
I'm really curious if knowing humanity's extinct from the beginning changes how the player approaches the story.

BKV's run is great and you should totally finish it.
Whedon's run is ok. The art was better than the writing IMO.
Everything after that is garbage that you should just skip.

For a sec there I thought Don E and the stoner dude were going to make out. Maybe offering to turn him into a zombie was more romantic?

It's kind of a shame but going back to her family at this point would be pretty weird. They haven't been in the show since what? Early season 2? They can't really pick up like nothing's happened and don't really have the time to spend on them

Like the other said, the most important thing to keep in mind is to just take it easy. You won't be able to see everything the game has to offer in just one playthrough, so just focus on what you like

They're all props that turn real in the metaverse. The MC's knives, for example, are probably completely dull in the real world
I think Iwai actually says so when you finish his confidant but I'm not sure