
Oh yeah, didn't think of that. I guess at that point the problem would still be how to make the arcana fit. Akechi works as Justice before the plot twist and would probably work as Hunger after, but dunno how well Jester would suit him, especially if you don't want to make the plot twist super obvious (although it

You do have to restart them, but if you maxed them they give you an item so you can use their best perks right away. So if you maxed Takemi, for example, you have access to all the items in her shop right away.
Also, if you romanced someone you get an item for Valentine's that makes it easier to max their confidant

Have you finished the game yet? Like in P3 and 4 there is a World arcana right before the end. It is the collective power of your confidants that you use to put a bullet in the final boss' head

I also got operation babe hunt 3.0 (which I fast forwarded 'cause I didn't care about it in the last 2 games and didn't care about it now) but after that also got a scene with Hifumi where you watch the sunset and she gives you an accessory. Maybe you only get that scene if you reached a certain rank in her confidant?

Oh, for sure, but the only arcana left to add would be Aeon, and I don't think they'd give Lala that one because they usually keep that for special characters like Aegis and, ugh, Marie. So if they wanted to make Lala a confidant they would probably have to remove another one.
At most I could see them shuffling some

I usually focused more on exploiting weaknesses than on doing damage, and I think fire was the least common enemy weakness, so Ann was rarely in my party because I could usually get at least one persona with Agi skills for the odd opportunity when I needed one.
And when enemies didn't have weaknesses I rather save the

Are there any other options to spend time at Waikiki other than Hifumi? (legit question, I met her during the school trip and wasn't even that far into her confidant so I assumed it was normal)

The easiest way to make her a confidant would be to simply give her Ohya's spot. Say that she helps lower the alert level because working at the bar makes people trust you more or something like that. Her confidant skill would remain pointless but at least you'd see more of her and less of Ohya

Yeah, I liked Ryuji overall, but after the third time someone figured out who the Phantom Thiefs are because he has no indoor voice I was kinda hoping he would shut the f up

Romancing the female characters is totally optional and can be easily skipped (all you get for getting into a relationship is a couple of extra scenes near the end of the game and an item that helps you in NG+) but the social sim aspect is not really optional.
Technically you can ignore it but you really have to do it

Funny that Ohya being a drunk who spends all her time hanging out in a bar, hitting on you and being sad is listed as a positive here when that's why most of us don't like her.

Yeah, Futaba doesn't work as a love interest, but if you keep her as your little sister then she's fine. It also helps that her confidant story works very well with Sojiro's

Seeing the flashback to the death of Bruce's parents reminded me how much David Mazouz has grown in the last couple of years. He looked much younger in the flashback than he does now.

I'll honestly be surprised if only one of those daily milkshakes had something in it. Not sure if it's part of some weird ritual the Blossoms have or what, but there has to be something weird in those milkshakes

Ugggggh, you're right. Googled it and one of the ingredients to fuse him is the ultimate Magician persona.
Oh well, I guess they had to do something to stop players from using him to cheese their way through the game (it's so fun though!)

I usually only play an hour or two during weekdays so the dungeon being long was probably never going to be a big issue. Not to say that after P3 and 4 I'm kinda used to doing long stretches of dungeons just to get them out of the way

Yeah, if this new 2DS had been an option when I got a 3DS I would've totally gotten it over a regular 3DS because the 3D effect never sounded very interesting.
The new 2DS isn't appealing enough for me to buy it now, but if I were in the market for a new portable from Nintendo I would totally get it

I'm guessing they also did it because they thought making you experience the whole day would be better immersion-wise but yeah, it would've been better if they had just either skipped to the next day or let you do something in your room at night like make lockpicks or watch a DVD

Oh, don't get me wrong, I won't miss the 3D. Tried to use it once and didn't turn it on again (I wear glasses so didn't notice much of a difference and it took me forever to find the sweet spot).
I just find it kinda confusing because people having been saying they don't care about the 3D for a long while, so I'm

I think the difference is that in P4 there were more automatic jumps between days, so one scripted event could start on one day, jump to the next and continue on from there, which made it feel like just one longer event.
In P5 you are always taken back to your room so Morgana can force you to go to sleep, so they feel