
Oh yeah, I know the secondary persona make thematical sense because they're all supposed to be mythological tricksters (or tricksters by the game's definition of the word). I just think their design is ugly as hell. Like, Futaba went from having a cool UFO to just having a big black ball.
Oh well, it's not like I see

Didn't game much this week so still playing Persona 5. I'm on December playing the ship palace

Yeah, the cops that beat up the Joker were real cops, not cognitions (Joker was also real).
Basically, Akechi brought a crap ton of real cops to the Metaverse to catch the team, then they brought Joker to the real world and beat him and then Sae pulled herself and Akechi into the Metaverse where Akechi killed the Joker

The part I find kinda confusing about that announcement is that a 2DS with hinges is basically a DS, right? I mean, yeah, it'll have access to the 3DS's catalogue, but other than that it kinda seems like a step back or at least like Nintendo accepting no one cares about the 3DS's 3D feature

Like @grooviestpine:disqus said, part of it is that you'd have to write a ton more dialogue to let the player chose their gender, but part of it is also the anime sequences.
Animating the same sequence (or more or less the same sequence) for both genres would probably be pretty expensive, and while Atlus isn't a tiny

At least Ayane is kinda cute (not to say you can just do Yumi's version of the link if you don't like her).
Ohya is just a boring drunk. And her confidant skill is pointless because it's not hard to avoid getting spotted by enemies in palaces (not so say that if you want to hunt rare shadows you have to raise the alarm

Still playing Persona 5, I'm on early November and have to start what the game is telling me is totally 100% definitely the final and last dungeon (the casino, which doesn't have a chance in hell of being the last dungeon).
Like I mentioned yesterday, I'm a bit anxious because I doubt I'll be able to max more than half

'I haven't levelled Hierophant in, like, months. It seems like no matter how much time I sink into it it never levels'

'my god, the number of times I forgot to put my links back up after a
death was just infuriating, but I guess that's mainly my fault *sigh*'

FWIW, getting 100k yen is easy is you go to Mementos on pollen heavy days (or rainy days, after Summer). There's more loot to pick up and shadows are easier to fight, so you can make money pretty easily. It also helps if you ranked up the Sun link so you can get more money out of negotiations

I'm in early November, have to start what the game is telling me is totally for sure the final palace (Sae's casino, which is obviously not the final palace) and I'm very pleasantly surprised at how much the game integrated every different mechanic so well.
I'm pretty sure by the time I finish the game I'm only going

If it happens (which, lbr, it won't) I hope they can get Vikander again. Yeah, Hammer and Cavill had great chemistry, but I thought the Illya/Gabi scenes were some of the movie's best.
If they could also somehow get Elizabeth Debicki back that be great too (yeah, I know her character died, but she was sooooo good as a

The Will callback did work for me. For a second there I totally thought Kurt died or, at least, was badly injured

Yeah, VC2 is a pretty good recommendation. Although I played it on PSP using cheats to bypass its annoying class upgrade system, so I'm not sure how fun it'd be without being able to do that

Also playing Persona 5. Just finished July and the 4th Palace.

Aside from leveling the Sun confidant to get more money out of negotiations another good way to get money are going to mementos on pollen heavy days (that spawns more treasures and generally makes fights easier). Rainy days aren't bad but pollen is better.
Also, if you haven't done the fight to unlock the fortune

Normal is a bit on the easy side (not as easy as P3's though), but there's a noticeable difficulty spike in the 3rd dungeon and there's more enemies with no weaknesses than in past Persona games, which can make things harder if you don't have good Personae with you

If you're getting Persona 1 then I'd say the rest of the Persona games are easy recommendations. There's PSP ports of the first 3 (you will have to get the PS1 version of P2 EP because we didn't get the PSP port in the West) and Golden is the best Vita game out there.
Other good JRPG recommendations are FF Tactics War

I know the show isn't particularly concerned with representing law enforcement realistically but… shouldn't Winslow have been with one of her parents during her first interrogation? She is a minor after all

I'm about to finish the third palace and I'm surprised at how noticeable the difficulty spike was between this palace and the second one.
I managed to finish the first two palaces without having to take any breaks (aside from the story mandated one in the second palace, obviously) but I was already really low on MP