
I haven't unlocked the entire party yet but so far Ryuji is actually my favorite non-Morgana part member (Morgana wins by default just because he's a cat)

FWIW, you can get a Vita TV for pretty cheap these days. New ones are $50 on Amazon and you can get them even cheaper if you don't mind getting a used one

Ah yes, an entire episode centered around the Rindell Ponzi scheme and a Collin Sweeney plot. Just what we all wanted.
But seriously, while the Kings' continued exploration of how Cold Case was dumb- I mean, how unreliable memory can be is interesting, the episode as a whole did nothing for me. AFAIC, Sweeney

Same here. I want to like it as much as most reviewers seem to, but it's not doing much for me. It's hardly bad, but it's nothing spectacular either (certainly nothing approaching TGW's best)

I think he's just the building's doorman, but yeah

There haven't been many reviews about the PS3 version but from what I've seen it's basically basically what you said, same game with lower resolution and slightly longer load times (doubt frame rate is lower because it's not pushing 60 on PS4 either)
It probably helps that it was originally a PS3 game that just got

Well, he's now working as the PR guy for a Korean MMO company so… maybe?

And Hal Cooper continues his ascent as one of Riverdale's worst adults. Now he's not just a terrible father, he's also a terrible husband

Yeah, I rolled my eyes a bit when Veronica told Ethel everything would be all right even if her family lost everything because she and her mother managed to bounce back. The Lodges are living in a freaking huge and luxurious apartment, so she probably shouldn't have compared her situation to Ethel's

I think I read the JP dub doesn't have voice acting during the movies/DVDs, so that's one thing where it's better to play the English dub

Shockingly enough I've also been playing Persona 5. I'm about 10 hours in (want to say I'm on May 6th?), beat the first palace and just named my team.
As expected the game is great. Looks great, sounds great, and it controls great. The only thing I'm not fully sold on is the controls for the stealth action (sometimes I

You'd miss a random reference here or there if you haven't played the other games, but they're self contained so you can easily jump into this one knowing nothing about the series

Technically speaking you can ignore the social sim aspect of P5 but if you did you'd A)be missing out on a huge chunk of the game B)actually making the dungeons waaaaay harder (items and exp aside, to get some battle actions you need to level up your friendship and without them I doubt you could last long before

'Minako is better than Minato, fight me'

It should be noted though that the PR guy for Atlus NA said that. No one in Atlus JP (the ones that actually have a say in anything the company does) has commented on P5 ports AFAIK

I think an important question to answer first is how much time you have to game. Because I'd recommend Persona 5 but the story supposedly takes about 100 hours to complete, so if you don't want to/can't commit to that long a game then it'd probably not be the best option.
Similarly, according to what I've read, Nier:A

Persona games are like Final Fantasy games, there's callbacks to other games in the series but the stories are completely independent, so you can pick up P5 without having played the other games.
The game also does a good job of explaining its mechanics and not throwing a bunch of stuff at you at once, so you won't

Saw a tweet a couple days ago that described how the last few Persona games portray adults that was something like

Had the exact same problem. I connected with the first half of the movie but when it hit the plot twist I was totally thrown off.
Plot holes aside the second half wasn't bad really, but it was much worse than the first half. At least the animation was great throughout.

I won't be surprised if Rip really is leaving the show because between Sara and Rory (whenever the show remembers his stint as Chronos) he doesn't really have a reason to stay on the show and because Arthur seems to be wanting to go back into theater. Having said that, I really hope he comes back next season.
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