
Maybe they could only suspend people with IPs in the Chicago area? I don't know, like Kayla said, the episode's plot mechanics didn't make a ton of sense

Part of the reason why the Scabbit plot was weak is that its conclusion was inevitable. Even if the writers had the firm permanently ban the Milo-analogue all that would've happened is that some other horrible pos would've taken his place (and that's assuming the writers don't remember that bans on the Internet don't

Yeah, right now it feels like there should've been another act between the section with the shrines and the one I'm at now where the war started.
Either that or they should've had the shrine seraphim deliver some more exposition because other than the very end of the water shrine nothing of use to the overall plot came

Seeing all the pre-release comments and gifs I'm kinda glad I held off on pre-ordering Andromeda. I'll get it eventually, but it's probably best to wait for a while if only to see what their DLC plans are. Also, P5 is finally coming out so I would've abandoned Andromeda to play it anyways.

Honestly, I'm more surprised CBS is sticking with its streaming service than I am at TGF getting renewed.

I'd say iZombie is easily the CW's best DC show (it honestly annoys me how people keep forgetting it exists when talking about comic book shows) but I'm not sure if I'd say it's the best CW show overall that easily. Crazy Ex Girlfriend is just too good.

Eh, I thought this felt a bit too much like a filler episode. I dunno, maybe it just didn't do much from me outside of the Elsbeth scenes.
Having said that, Elsbeth (without her ex husband)? Yay!

I dunno if it's just people's set up. I haven't looked into it much beyond reading GAF because I'm not getting a Switch anytime soon (lack of games aside it's way too expensive here IMO) but some people described or posted pictures of their setup and there didn't seem to be a anything blocking their signal.
They also

The left JoyCon sync issue appears to be very much YMMV.
For some people over at Neogaf it happens very often and for others, like you, it happens very infrequently or it straight up hasn't happened to them

Part of me is hoping Atlus is going to make the DLC packs for some of the older MegaTen games (like the if… or Raidou DLC) free for a short time after release… but that seems like a dumb hope.
It's pretty clear at this point that Atlus sees MegaTen (and Persona moreso) as its cashcow, so they are going to milk it as

Didn't play much Tales of Zestiria this week but managed to finish the wind shrine and got to Longhrin.

Huh, you're right. The police record says 'J Jones - Jughead'.
Can't see what each section is supposed to be but unless Riverdale police keeps aliases on file it looks like the two records say different things

Yeah, the Veronica fights with her mom plot was the weakest of the bunch, but I still kinda wish we would've gotten more of her clubbing with Josie, Kevin and arm candy. I mean, Reggie.
That scene helped bring a bit of levity to the episode, it helped flesh out Veronica even more and, more importantly, it actually

Yeah, blame March Madness

They aren't. I watched the scene where sheriff Keller is going through Jughead's school records and lowered the speed and they say his name is Forsythe Pendleton Jones III, just like in the comics

The CW has some kinda deal with Netflix where in some countries they get new episodes the day after it airs in the US, so maybe Riverdale is like Crazy Ex and it does surprisingly well in Netflix

We take our victories where we can get them

Don't know if you're in the minority but you're at least not alone because I also don't care much for him.
He's one of those classic TGW character's that we're supposed to think they're so charming and interesting but whenever they're onscreen I'm just 'ugh, go away. You're spending precious time that could be spent on

I hope that Peter is out of jail by now and can come back to punch Kresteva again. I'm legit not kidding, Peter punching Kresteva and then saying Kresteva was drunk is one of my favorite TGW scenes. Peter was trash, but sometimes he was badass trash.

It's even heavier once you consider 1)there's a mobile game that you kinda need to read up on to fully understand the plot 2) Xenogears was supposed to be part 4 or 5 (don't remember which one) of the overall Xenosaga story