
Xenosaga 1 is basically 'Cutscenes: The Game'. Especially in the early game.
2 is better but the story is much worse and the characters look TERRIBLE.
3 is probably the best of the bunch, but it's still not a great game

Still trucking along in Tales of Zestiria. Managed to finish the earth and water shrines and I'm right outside the wind shrine.
The plot was already very vague before this section started but it's much worse now. Before I at least got hints saying where I was supposed to go, but now the only hint I get is 'get all the

I really recommend everyone to look up the full 'I Feel Love' performance on Youtube. It's great not just because the girls sound really good but because, like @chibidemon:disqus mentioned, Kevin dancing behind them is totally funny

All of Archie's DC Rebirth posters also looked pretty nice. I'm sure the set designer used them because of how nice they look and the fact that DC's parent company is one of the CW's owners is a total coincidence.

He's more noticeable in the full version of the performance. It made me laugh every time I noticed him there

Not sure if I had trouble buying Zachary Knighton as a doctor because I'm so used to seeing him as Dave or because of the truly terrible haircut.
It was probably the haircut. Dear god, that looked terrible on him.

Through its run TGW wasted a crap ton of characters and good actors.
Some because the writers abandoned their storylines for no apparent reason (like Taye Diggs who I assume was supposed to have some kind of storyline at Florrick/Agos once Dianne joined the firm) and some because they cast well-known actors for bit

I knew the part about the skill grid, but I must've totally missed the other stuff. Honestly, it's nice that they give you the chance to customize your character so much but there's not a chance in hell I'm bothering to do that much work just for a small stat boost.

Finished the fire shrine in Tales of Zestiria yesterday, so I think I've finished about half the game. So far it's not bad, but there's some things that need serious improvement.

Veronica's mom may do shady things but, as you said, she's not manipulating her daughter, so I'd say she's still first or second in the parent ratings (I guess Fred should be first, but he's such a non entity that it's hard to even remember he's around)

Who knew there was a way to make Alice not be the town's worst parent? Seriously, Cheryl's parents make Alice look like the world's best mom.

Took a while to find it for download. I mean, to find in CBS All Access. Which is totally available in South America. Totally.

Maybe they'll go up to 5 words and then go back down. That way episode titles wouldn't have to be super long and they'd manage to keep the gimmick

Hurray for more Kayla reviews! By the time The Good Wife ended I basically was forcing myself to watch it, but coming here to read and comment on the reviews was always fun

So I'm guessing I shouldn't sell old equipment and just save it for fusions?

It's not a flaw… but it is kinda boring. And I say this as someone who likes Chie overall

The funny thing is that Naoto arrives late but I think she ends up having more character development than Chie and probably Yosuke

Happy Persona 5 release week everyone! …because P5 totally came out this week. It did not get delayed two more months *eye twitch*

Yeah, this was the show's weakest episode by far. Hopefully it was just a misfire and not a sign of things to come. At least we're rid of Mrs Grundy for now.

I've quite like Riverdale so far so these aren't bad news, but it does seem like a rash choice. Riverdale hasn't had terrible ratings by any means but they're hardly good enough to serve as an anchor to a series of shows
Also, what other characters could they make shows around? Josie and the Pussycats and Sabrina are