
While I'm dreading the inevitable Caitlin/Julian romance subplot I have to say, this season has been pretty darn good for Caitlin. She finally got a subplot all to herself, some more scenes with Iris, and in this episode the writers even remembered she's a brilliant scientist and not just Cisco's lab assistant.

I'm assuming we're also not counting iZombie because it's a comic book show but not a superhero show?

While I prefer Chie's original VA, she sounded nothing like a high school girl. Or I guess she could've sounded like a high school girl who smokes 3 packs an hour.
They probably replaced her to get someone who sounded younger

Wanted to try out Next Order but I saw Kyle Bosman from Easy Allies stream it and gave up on the idea. It looks like the game requires hours and hours of grinding to even have a chance of winning some fights
Cyber Sleuth ended up being somewhat repetitive after a while but I thought it was much more begginner friendly

Marie does suck, but you should really try to finish her SLink. Not gonna spoil why but it ends up being important

FWIW, the plot moves on pretty slowly until near the end of the game. If you don't care much about it it's really easy to ignore

I kinda love how before it started everyone assumed the show was mainly going to be centered around Archie because he was the lead in the comic and yet Betty has been getting most of the character development so far

FWIW, I also didn't like season 2 much but thought the next 2 seasons were much better. Maybe not as good as season 1 but still very good.

It comes back in April with a 2 hour episode. Sucks that we have to wait so long but at least this way there probably won't be so many breaks during the season

Do any of the Arrowverse cast members have wigs that suit them? At this point I think they choose bad wigs just because Stephen Amell didn't look good in his so they kept it as some kind of weird in-joke

I'm still not crazy about how the Penguin/Riddler story went (Oswald came across as too dumb IMO), but overall a great episode. If nothing else it had minimal Gordon/Lee angst, and the less time the show wastes on that the better

Yeah, Gotham clearly has quite a few weak spots (yeah, we get it, Lee loves Gordon, Gordon loves Lee, shut up about it) but Mazouz has been one of the show's best parts since day 1. He's doing some great work, especially for his age.
Hopefully when the show's over he moves on to bigger and better things

But wouldn't the problem then become who you would elect?
From my non-American point of view US liberals are so divided right now that I don't know if you'd win another election unless you had enough time (like, a year or two) to at least minimize the in-fighting a bit.

Kevin Keller. Archie comic's first gay character
He's one of the show's main characters

Moose is too busy experimenting with Kevin (and that's not even a joke, it actually happened in the pilot)

FYI for those of you who already own or are interested in getting World of Final Fantasy at some point, they released a Sora Champion medal for free on PSN to celebrate KH 2.8.
It's free until the end of March, so if you have the game or are waiting for it to go on sale I'd dowload it now so it'll stay in your download

Thought it was a bit funny Jughead got so many mentions in the promotion for the show because Cole Sprouse is the biggest name of the younger cast (Luke Perry aside he may be the biggest name in the show really) and yet he only had a throwaway scene in the pilot.

Yeah, all I could think of was 'ok, I know Julie is super shook up, but shouldn't she be running to the garage to check up on Gordo's dad? She's a nurse, she could probably help him'

I know most people expect this to be a trainwreck but according to most critics it's supposed to be good (although who knows if that's just a case of lowered expectations) and the CW has been on a roll for the past 3-4 years, so I'll give it a shot.
Hopefully if it ends up being just a trashy teen soap it'll at least

I don't think I finished 1, but all I remember about 2 is that the AI sucked and constantly wasted all my items