
Eh, I'll be interested when Marvel remembers they own other properties other than the Avengers and we get another X-Men game
…and then I'll lose all interest when that game inevitably ends up being terrible and I have to go back to the X-Men arcade game to get a decent X-Men game.

Square Enix Europe owns Eidos Montreal which in turn owns Crystal Dynamics. So I guess they're developing and publishing it

Renee Montoya wasn't a villain but aside from her yeah, all of Gotham's queer characters either started up evil/nuts or eventually became evil/nuts

I dunno, Welling was usually much much better when he had to play an evil version of Clark (when he was under red Kryptonite, from an alternate universe, whatever) so in that case it may have also been weak writing making him more unlikable

The Bruce/Selina scene near the end was an episode highlight. Selina wasn't the best character when the show started, but I really like how they've built up her relationship with Bruce. Probably helps that David Mazouz has been really good as Bruce from the get go.

Not terrible by any means but one of the show's weakest episodes for sure.
Like everyone said, the Santa Ana wind dragged on for way too long (although Eric Michael Roy is kinda cute, ngl) and the regular storylines didn't click until the end of the episode.

I think I mentioned it a few weeks ago, but I ignore the bonus characters when they're seasonal variants (like the Christmas SM or Halloween Neptune) or the civilian variants, but if it's a 'new' character (like Super SM, who if we get normally would have a different special attack) then I at least try to unlock them

I dunno, looking at Gamefaqs there's only 6 3DS games coming out until late May: COLOR CUBES, Punch Club, DQVIII, Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World, Runbow Pocket and FE Echoes
3 of those I've never heard of, 1 I don't care about (Wooly Yoshi is adorable but I don't care about those games), and 2 I don't know if I'd get

There's 2 ways to Max Adachi's SLink
Basically, you rank up SLink levels 1-6 normally. To go from 6 to 7 you have to clear Heaven, and after that you have two options:
1) Get the Normal ending first to go from 8 to 9 and then read the letter he sends you to get the True ending and go from 9 to 10. If you do this when

Again, this week I didn't game much. Sold my 3DS so Story of Seasons will join the (thankfully short) list of games I owned I will probably never finish
I sold it because I assume that the Switch coming out means the 3DS is going to be on its last legs soon, so if I kept waiting it was going to be harder to sell it.

There's 2 ways to get the bad ending in P4. The easiest way to get it is following Yosuke's dumb af advise and throw Namatame in the TV. The other way is not figuring out who the killer is when the group goes get ramen.
Golden adds another bad ending if you burn the evidence that Adachi is the killer to complete his

'To its credit, the show never fully chooses a side'
Didn't the show pick a side in the last episode when they introduced another character who could see God?

But if they keep delaying Discovery will CBS All Access even exist by the time it comes out?
Right now I think the only original show they have for it is the Good Wife spinoff, and I doubt that's going to attract a enough people to keep the thing running for long

At this point I'm stating to think part of CBS' strategy to market show is to just kill any interest people may have in it. Otherwise I can't imagine how they can be making so many bad decisions.
Most Trekkies are probably still going to give it a shot, but I can't imagine anyone else still being very excited about it.

Same here. I actually assumed the other guy was actually Selina's father because there had to be a reason she mentioned him earlier in the episode

Oh yeah, there's not a chance in hell I'm ever playing SO again after the (kinda creepy) mess that was 4.
Also, if I may confess a deep dark secret… I didn't even like SO 1 when I played it. Really don't get why people rave so much about it

If you're not enjoying the grind to platinum I'd say jump to X-2 and maybe go back to X once you've finished at least 1 run of X-2 so you can break up the grind a bit (especially because X-2 also requires a lot of grinding to get the platinum)

No, after being super disappointed in Graces F and straight up hating Xillia I decided to pass on Zestiria unless unless it had really good reviews or word of mouth (which, AFAIK, it didn't get)

According to this it has 12 launch titles… but only 5 are actually new games

Didn't have high expectations for Tales of Berseria so I downloaded the demo on Wednesday to try it out. That somehow lowered my expectations even more because it was a total mess of a demo.