
Yeah, at this point I'm assuming Meghan is the killer (maybe she kills people in a fugue state or something so she doesn't remember doing it) and her dad is covering for her.
In this new reality her dad wasn't there to cover things up for her so her brother did it

I want to be excited about the new Star Trek series, but every time we get news about it my hype dies a little more.
I could deal with it being on a streaming service (mainly because I'm not in the US so I'd have to get it through alternate means anyways :P), I could deal with it being set before ToS, I could even deal

I'm still not sure if I'm going to bother watching this (through totally legal means obviously)
On the one hand Christine Baranski is great and Diane was awesome, but the last season and a half (at least) of The Good Wife was such a slog to get through that I'm not sure if I can go through that again.

I'm really hoping there's another flashforward at some point and we do get to see the Jenning's reaction to the fall of the USSR.
Elizabeth's reaction would be the most intereting, but it'd be interesting to see how everyone reacts to it. Especially because they would still be considered foreign spies, so they'd still

Glad you liked it but I can't say the same. You can look up my comments in those episodes, but I thought Empty Hearse and Last Vow were plot riddled messes.

Hope last week's episode was just a missfire and we don't get a repeat of season 3 where eps 1 and 3 were bad/terrible and 2 was good (because, while messy at times, this really was good)

Glad about this if only because I still think Matt Ryan as Constantine was one of the best TV castings ever. His show may have had its flaws, but he was perfect as John.

According to Jarett Weisman on twitter if Frequency and No Tomorrow do well on Netflix they may get renewed too. Doubt they will because there doesn't seem to be much buzz around either but I guess it depends on how bingeable they are once their seasons are over

Hurray for CEG getting renewed! I haven't been loving season 2 as much as season 1, but it's still an amazing show, so I'm really happy about the renewal.
Now I just have to hope iZombie gets renewed later in the year and both of my favorite shows will be safe

While I also think iZombie is the CW's best show, I don't think it's completely safe just because Crazy Ex got renewed.
iZombie may get better live ratings (although that's really not saying much), but for whatever reason it doesn't get nearly as much critical acclaim which was probably a big reason Crazy Ex got

Oh yeah, there's waaaay too many. And we don't even get some of the events they get in Japan (I saw they got an Christmas Sailor Saturn, for example)
I don't bother at all trying to get the holiday themed characters. I'll to beat the event if the reward is a 'new character' (like Princess Serenity, or human Luna) but

Yeah, I know. We probably shouldn't support our lovely national stereotype but eh, if the shoe fits.

Guess I'm glad I try to stick with the original when possible because having to deal with mostly Spain Spanish translations would drive me nuts, especially Spanish dubs.
An Argentina dub would probably not be better tho because I'd just be wondering if Noctis supported Macri lol

In movies/TV I've never seen Spain Spanish used for subtitles, but there's probably a much larger number of subtitling studios for movies/TV than for video games, so I guess I wouldn't be surprised if most of game localizations were made in Spain

Yeah. I don't remember how many of the Dark Aeons I beat when I played the remaster (I'm pretty sure I at least beat Valefor, Shiva and Ifrit, not sure about the others) but they were waaaay harder than everything else in the game up to that point

Haven't played much this past couple of week, mostly because I've been in my usual Summer 'it's so effing hot I don't want to do anything' mood.
Downloaded Day of the Tentacle Remastered and Broken Age now that they're free on PS+ but haven't started either yet. Already played them on PC a while ago, but I'm interested

I adore FF X, it's one of my favorite games ever. But the endgame stuff is mostly a pile of grindy garbage. Like, I could maybe give the game a pass for forcing you to play tons of Blitzball to get Wakka's crest, but the chocobo racing? lighting dodging? all the grinding to replace and re fill nodes in the sphere

I'm curious, is the translation in Spain Spanish or neutral Spanish? Never really played a game in Spanish (usually just stick with English) so I'm not sure which of the two is usually used

The monster descriptions were one of the best parts of WoFF. Usually I just skip those descriptions in mon games but here they were so much fun I *had* to read them after catching a new mirage

No, I usually stay clear of stuff like that. I really like all the lore Bioware adds to their games, but I'm more interested in the characters tbh