
I remember reading that some DAI stuff got leaked before the game came out, so Bioware was kinda forced to release more information about it early

Not sure because I got into ME when they released ME Trilogy in PS3, but in that case secrecy makes more sense because it was the end of Shepard's arc. Even assuming everyone at Bioware thought it was a good ending they'd have wanted to keep it under wraps until the game came out
Here you're starting a whole new story,

I'm surprised the game comes out on March when we know so little about it. I get trying to keep the story under wraps because of the backlash ME 3's ending got, but it's weird we don't even have pictures of the people you can recruit (aside from that one Asari) when that's a big part of most Bioware games

I didn't game a lot this week because I've been binging on Yuri On Ice! It wasn't as good or as gay as the internet had me believe, but it wasn't bad at all. And I guess expecting anything to be as gay as the internet says is silly.

That's only in single player.
In multiplayer you climb with another player to see who can get to the top of the tower the fastest. You are both climbing the same tower (which I believe is randomized) so you can move blocks to hinder the other player or hit them with your pillow

In their defense VR's team has been very receptive to fan input and they changed parts of the combat system between the first and 2nd demos based on their comments, so there's always the chance they could improve the combat system more before the game's comes out.
Don't think they could make enough changes to get me

Didn't game much this week but when I did I keep playing some of my PS+ backlog:

I wonder if being able to play Catherine on Xbone will help its competitive scene grow. Right now it's probably quite limited because you can only play it on PS3 (and it wasn't a huge seller there) so having more options should really help it

This show is probably going to be a hot mess but lately the CW has made surprisingly great shows these last few years even with premises far worse than this (Jane the Virgin, Crazy Ex) so I'm probably going to give it a shot

I said yesterday I was expecting iZombie not to be mentioned in this list, so I'm glad people at least are mentioning it in the comments. It really is a great show that deserves more recognition

I'm guessing if iZombie isn't in here then it isn't going to show up in part 1 either.
I'm not sure what it is about the show that makes most critics forget it exists as soon as its season ends even though a lot of them rave about it when its airing.

Yes and no? In Hannibal the gore was unsettling not necessarily because you saw guts and blood, but because of how that was presented.
For example, there's a scene in an episode (can't remember which one right now) where a man has been stitched together with a bunch of other people to make a giant eye. The man escapes

I was/am a Hannibal fan but I could understand the lack of ratings a bit better in that case.
Leaving aside all the philosophical navel gazing the show was so good at, the show's copious amounts of gore were probably enough reason for it not to get good ratings

I'll admit I didn't know about the Peabody, AFIs or CCs awards (mainly because I only really follow the big award shows) but the show doesn't have two Emmys or Satellite awards.
Margo Martindale got the Emmys* and Keri won the Satellite, the show itself hasn't won either of those awards yet

Happy that Rachel Bloom got nominated, if only because critical praise is the only way CEG isn't getting cancelled. Seriously, I do not get how it can have such terrible ratings even though it's one of the best shows on TV

How did everyone enjoy PSX? I watched the Easy Allies stream and while I liked their commentary the actual event was E3 pt 2: lots of very cool looking games, but most of them are games I wouldn't actually play
I was excited when I read Marvel v Capcom 4 was coming out (yeah, I know it's called MvC Infinite, but it

Happy FF XV release week everyone! I'm not getting the game (pretty graphics aside literally nothing about it looks appealing to me) but I hope everyone who does get it enjoys it!
It'll be interesting seeing how everyone grades it when you're done. Most reviews I've seen mention the game having some pretty glaring

If they got a second season they could make it about taking down Moreno. Guess it really depends on how connected his story is to the Nightingale's

Wait, he annoys you Latoya? But you have the patience of a saint! You still watch Teen Wolf for god's sake!
Can't imagine how bad he must be on a regular basis

So, as someone who stopped watching Arrow last season I have to ask: is Wild Dog always this annoying? Because I was honestly rooting for the non-Torchwood cyberwoman to kill him