
I also watched Czuchry on the Good Wife, but it's always nice to see how well he's aged (it's also nice to see him on a show that actually gives him something to do other than stand in the background)

Really? Not a single comment about how good Logan looked shirtless? Because hot damn, Matt Czuchry has aged *well*

Played some more World of Final Fantasy to finish up its bonus dungeons.
The first three are pretty much just random sections of older dungeons with stronger mirages which give out a ton of exp, and at the end you can get dark versions of Ifrit, Ramuh and Shiva.

Part of Tactics' problem is that leveling your characters at first is really boring because you have to waste a ton of time on random battles (either actually attacking the enemies or having your lower leveled characters throw rocks at your stronger characters), but once you unlock some of the stronger classes it's

Yeah, the PSN sale was a total bust for me too. The only somewhat appealing thing was Tales of the Bordelands and maybe Tales of Zestiria (which I didn't get because the last few Tales games I played were not good)

You can download Persona 3 FES from PSN, but it only works on PS3

Ugggggh, Persona 5 got delayed. Well, at least I managed to snag a cool P5 PS4 theme for free during the livestream, so I guess that's something.

Yeah, they said during the live stream where they announced the delay that it wasn't because of the Japanese VO. They just added that to make up for the delay.

From my non American point of view, part of it really was due to mistakes in how her campaing was handled, part of it was good ol' misogyny and part of it was because the media did its best to normalize Trump while only focusing on the worst parts of her campaign/Clinton herself.
But at the end of the day (and

She's probably done. Even if by some miracle enough people in the electoral college change their votes and she ends up being president she'd most likely end up being a one term president.
While she/her team deserves some blame for the results of the election, she is getting getting a larger share of the blame than she

Yeah, 'Riverdale'. But that looks like it's an adaptation in name only, so maybe that's why they're not counting it?

In 10's defense, it made sense for the cast to be younger.
Summoners have to be somewhat young to complete their journey (Braska must have been in his 20s when he died) and a lot of young people join the Crusaders so they probably also die young.
I'm guessing thanks to Sin, people just don't live very long lives in

Ugh, why did you have to mention Smash? Now I just want Megan Hilty to show up here and for some reason to make a snide comment about annoying Iowa girls who take up way too much screen time.

It does, I just never use the share function so I'm not sure how to move the screenshot I got from the PS4 to here (also not sure if a link to the picture would get stuck in moderation)

Pretty much only played World of Final Fantasy this week. I think I'm around halfway through the game because I've read the main story is 30-40 hours and I'm at 20 something.

Darryl spoiling GoT was a quick joke but it was one of the episode's funniest parts IMO just because we've never really seen angry Darryl, which made the whole thing funnier

Oh yeah, I remember, but I think the point still kinda stands. As soon as you can get it you can cheese your way through the game, and in a game with a story as weak as NnK* that's probably not good

Quick non-spoilery tip if it's the first time you're playing it: don't catch a Dinoceros at least until you finish the main story or, if you do catch one, don't use it much.
Dinoceros completely breaks the game. It can finish most random encounters in one attack and even bosses take heavy damage from its attacks. It's

Got World of Final Fantasy when it came out. Haven't been able to play that much, only an hour or two after work, so I'm only in chapter 5 or 6 (can't remember which, chapters have been super short so far). So far it's not without its flaws, but it's good.

Yeah, this season has been a hard to get through. I mean, Anderson and (to a lesser extent) Dornan are still doing some great work, but the plot has either been boring (no one cares about that annoying girl in love with Paul writers! stop trying to make her a thing!) or dumb (so they just put Paul in the same room as