
The show has some very obvious flaws, but it can be fun when it gives into its craziness.
I'd say give this season a shot. If the non-Gordon scenes are fun then keep up with it, if not then it's best to drop it because it's just not the show for you

The main thing I played this week was the World of Final Fantasy demo which… was kind of a hot mess.
Gameplay wise it's fine and it looked great (the chibi chacters were sooooooo cute. The big ones… not so much) but as a demo it was crap because it explained nothing. It said nothing about who the main characters were

You are close to the end, the game is 20 chapters long. Having said that, chapter 19 has a long-ish dungeon and after that you can do quite a few side cases (including the Royal Knight ones, which will make you waste more time in the farm) so you still have plenty of things to do before the end
There's also some short

"That's a cool idea, I guess, but why now?"

'I really disliked the essential Rock-Paper-Scissors match'

SPOILER WARNING? (not really a spoiler, but I guess I better say it just to be safe)

Finished Trails of Cold Steel on Wednesday. Still not sure how I feel about the ending. I knew it was going to end up being set up for Cold Steel 2, but I thought it wasn't handled very well because it goes from leaving things open but still giving the game a bit of closure to throwing everything out the window in

IIRC, if a stat isn't increasing after training you have to use one of those items to lower another stat and then try the training again.
I remember when I played the game I wasted a ton of time tinkering my Digimon's stats because getting the most powerful end game Megas can take forever

Surprised there's no mention of the quick Dawson's Creek cameo when Jay dragged Barry to the 90s. It was a silly reference but it made me chuckle

FWIW, you don't need to sub to Crunchyroll to watch it. If you don't mind watching a few adds (or have addblock, if you watch it on their website) you can watch if for free. That's what I did.

Spent most of this past week binge watching Re:Zero (if you haven't watched it I recommend it! it's a bit gory but good!) so I didn't play a lot of Trails of Cold Steel, but I did manage to finish Chapter 5 and see the intro to chapter 6.

Apparently they also had to delay the Persona 1 DLC pack because of somewhat silly reasons (they had advertised it with the title for the PS1 version of the game but included the PSP music, and that is apparently misleading advertising).

My problem with it is that it's set up and mostly happens in chapter 3 (when they aren't in you party) and gets resolved one chapter later.
So it comes across like they needed a reason to have Fie explain her backstory so they just used their 'fight' as an excuse instead of finding a more organic reason for her to do so

Finished Trails of Cold Steel's fourth chapter a couple days ago and it looks like the plot is finally kicking into high gear.
Could've started chapter 5 yesterday but I may or may not have fallen asleep watching DS9 clips on Youtube.

I think I'm near the end of chapter 3 of Trails of Cold Steel. The game remains very good (although I'm not sure if it's grabbing me as much as other JRPGs I've played recently) but some of its flaws are starting to become more apparent.

If Atlus' recent track record with DLC is anything to go by I'd be shocked if we don't get those outfits at some point.
If nothing else it's almost a sure thing they'll sell the Orpheus/Izanagi DLC

Still playing Legends of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel. Got to the second part of the second field study (probably could've finished it by now but I didn't really play it the last couple of days).

Yeah, it's great that we can finally shove all those useless apps to a folder where we never have to see them again. It's a shame we still can't get rid of the adds cluttering the media folder (I'm never going to download the NHL app, why do I need to see it???) but I guess it's better than nothing

Yeah, I know Trails in the Sky (I'll avoid its acronym for… obvious reasons) has worse graphics, but there I can at least think of it as a throwback of sorts to previous gens so the graphics don't bother me.
The change in graphics tells me Falcom wanted Cold Steel to look more modern, which makes it harder to ignore

In case anyone didn't know, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel is on sale for $20 on PSN (50% off) until the 13th because its sequel came out this week (it's been on sale since the 30th)