
There are some JRPGs for PS4 but whether they're actually good depends on your tastes.

Played a bit of Oreshika Tained Bloodlines and I'm not sure it's my kind of game. The battle system is fine (nothing great but it's ok), I really like its art style and the whole clan management idea is kinda cool, but it seems like it requires too much micromanagement for my taste.
I'll try to give it more of a chance

Yeah, that's why I forgot about them. The farm fetch quests get super boring after a while, so I stopped bothering with them after the first few chapters.

You don't use the farm to unlock sidequests, just to raise Digimon. To unlock more sidequest you just have to talk to NPCs or go to the agency.

I finished I Am Setsuna last weekend like I said I would and yeah, the ending did not change my opinion of the game. Not terrible by any means but mediocre at best.

FWIW, some of the latter chapters of Cyber Sleuth are pretty short.
Some chapters can feel longer depending on how many sidequests you do, or how much time you spend raising your Digimon, but the actual chapters are just a fight or two an some story.

I think I've seen videos of the PC version of the remaster with point & click controls, but on consoles that's not an option (and there's even a trophy for playing with tank controls)

I agree with the general opinion that season 4 is one of the show's weakest seasons, but it is somewhat underrated because it has some great episodes.
The episode where Astrid meets her doppelganger finally showed Jasika Nicole deserved way more screentime, the episode with Stephen Root and his wife had some great

Fringe's second and third season are still the show I measure all current scifi shows against. Both seasons have some rough patches, but overall they're so good, and their best episodes are just so damn good that it's hard to think of another recent scifi show that can rival it.

Finished Atelier Sophie last weekend (like I said last week, it improved as it went on but it was only ok) so I don't really have anything else to play

Some SMT fans are rooting for the game to fail for one of five reasons:

I've just been playing Atelier Sophie and am near the end of the game. Probably could've finished it by now but I've been trying to get all the friendship events and alchemy recipes. The latter seems like it's not going to happen because the system to get recipes is absurd.

If you want a real challenge out of DQH I'd say try to beat the 2 bonus bosses. They're VERY tough, even with maxed out characters.
I gave up after a few attempts because they were just destroying my team and I didn't care that much about the platinum trophy

The only E3 games I'm excited about are Persona 5 (really, if you're not hyped for that game you should reconsider your life choices), I Am Setsuna and Detroit

Got Atelier Sophie this week. Probably should've gotten it for Vita because it was 20 bucks cheaper (and the only difference between the two versions are load times, I think) but my PS4 has been collecting dust for a few months now so I wanted an excuse to use it.

Yeah, the P5 release date makes sense. It still sucks that we have to wait that long to get the game but between how hard it must be to change the UI into English and just the thematic link with Valentine's Day it's understandable why its releasing so late.

I did see a couple special events but didn't get very far into them. At the time I was still playing Escha & Logy so I only played 2 or 3 stages of Minako's event before getting bored and by the time I came back to the game the event as over.
Is civilian Minako any different from Venus or is it just a different outfit?

Not sure how good my advice would be regarding the Atelier series as a whole because Escha & Logy was my first Atelier game. Regarding the newer games you have three starting points:

It was me. Not sure if I should be proud to have hooked someone else on it or ashamed hehe

Finished Atelier Escha & Logy Plus on Saturday. Didn't bother with the 2 regular super bosses and the DLC because they required way to much set up to beat them. Maybe I'll try again if I ever play Escha's side of the story.
Overall I enjoyed the game but, as I said last week, the last year was pretty terrible.