
re: Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Should warn you that while they are in the game they aren't very important to the story. I haven't played Skies of Arcadia and had no clue who they were when I played VC, so I assumed they were just random members of Squad 7.
Funnily enough, I liked Vyse so much I ended up giving him the game's best weapon

'Do I want to start at the beginning of the series'
Having played the PSP remake of Persona 1 I'd say the answer to that is: god no.
Persona 1 is horribly dated. The encounter rate is absurdly high, the first person view during exploration is just weird, and the game is pretty damn hard.
Can't speak about the P2 duology

Vyse, Aika and Fina show up in VC1 (only Vyse and Aika are playable characters tho, Fina is only a medic) and have cameos in VC3

Reached the final year of Atelier Escha & Logy Plus and only have about 120 days before the end of the game. Still have to beat the final boss, so I've just been trying to finish some last sidequests.
I really don't like this part of the game because, aside from finishing up stuff you missed and a couple new

Oh Barry. So pretty, and yet so dumb.
Overall I think I liked the episode more than some people here (gave it a B-) but it was easily much much weaker than last season finale. This feels like an episode that should've been either a two parter or some of the stuff Zoom info dumped should've been explained earlier.

Still playing Atelier Escha & Logy Plus and I'm surprised at how addictive the alchemy system is. Quite a few times now I start up saying I'm only going to play for a short while but end up playing twice as long just because I'm doing stuff in the atelier. And the funny part is that I'm not even wasting time making

I doubt P5 will get FeMC DLC because of the anime sequences.
They could add one in P3P precisely because they got rid of all the anime scenes so they only had to replaced the MC's character model, which was probably quite cheap. Changing all the anime sequences to add a FeMC would probably be quite expensive.
It could

Enjoy Valkyria Chronicles! And remember not to overuse scouts if you don't want to cheese your way through the game!

Crazy Ex GF moving to Friday's is probably for the best. It's getting terrible ratings on Monday so there was little point in keeping it there (aside from it kinda fitting with JtV).
Hopefully the CW won't mind its ratings as much on Friday and it'll keep it on for at least a couple more seasons.

I honestly don't know anything about Zesteria's actual quality. I think there's a character that people didn't like who got way too much screen time and there was also some controversy over DLC?
After not being crazy about Graces f and straight up hating Xillia I decided to not play Zesteria until it got cheap, but

I don't know if they could have gotten away with a badly translated release of a Tales game.
Something like SAO or the Atelier series can have games released with poor translations because they're niche series, for the most part, so they don't make much a splash if they aren't great. Tales may not be as big in the West

Still trucking along in Atelier Escha & Logy Plus. I'm not sure if the game is shorter than I thought or if the next assignments are going to be much longer, but I feel like I've been going through the game pretty fast. I'm on assignment 5 out of 9 and I'm still in the first year. At this rate I don't quite understand

re:Tales of Berseria
"though that title obviously has more manpower/resource sway/oomph behind getting it released ASAP"

Not sure if my English is suddenly failing me or there's a typo somewhere there but I'm honestly not sure what you mean

According to the article "the prosecutor announced publicly that he had "probable cause" to
prosecute Allen, and attributed the decision not to do so to "the
fragility of the child victim.""

-I agree that Alicia has attempted to excuse some of the bad things she's done by using feminism or stuff like that, but by that point in the episode she hadn't done anything bad yet, so it came across more like the guy being sexist than her trying to defend herself tbh
-Yeah, Sutton Foster was the woman with the

And so, the show is over and… I'm just glad. The Good Wife may have been great at one point, I'd even say it was one of the best shows on TV, but this past two seasons have been such a slog to get trough that I'm glad it's finally done. Especially because this episode was not any better than what came before.

So would KH be a spiritual successor to Tetsuya Nomura designs zipper porn? (FFX)

Tetsuya Nomura writes Disney/FF fanfiction on drugs (8/9 words)