
Like I said last week there was a PSN sale and ended up buying Atelier Escha & Logy Plus. So far I like it.
The character designs are beautiful and super detailed (much more detailed than I would've thought they could be on Vita), the music is great and the battle system, while simple, is fun.

Oooh, thanks for the subbed trailer. Tried to find one yesterday but could only find one that wasn't complete

If they're it's a good thing. It makes no sense whatsoever to have two instant death spells.
If you need to have an instant death spell then make only one of those elements have that effect and either have the other do regular damage or be a gravity like spell

I'm guessing they're either trying to avoid dating the game or its a callback to older JRPGs which also did something like that when set in the real world (I'm not sure if it's been done before in MegaTen but one example of that I do remember is the Megaman BattleNetwork/Starforce series)

Happy to hear this isn't a super elaborate hoax then because this soundtrack sounds awesome.

Yeah, I guess the anniversary is probably why they stuck to that date.
The P5 collector's edition looks sweet BTW. It looks like it has the OST for the previous Persona games, with each disc having the logo of each game's school on it.

No international release tho. Damn you Atlus!!!! I wasn't actually expecting it, but it would've been a good idea after all the delays and lack of info.

So the writers have pulled a Kalinda with Cary. He only shows up for a couple minutes, says something that adds very little to the plot and vanishes into the ether again.
And we were hoping his imprisonment last year would bring him more screen time. Silly us.

I guess that's where we differ. I thought Blitzball was super boring.
It also doesn't help I barely used Wakka and wasn't planning on getting the platinum trophy, so I didn't care about getting his Celestial weapon

You only get two things for playing Blitzball: if you win the mandatory Luca match you get a couple short scenes of the Aurochs celebrating their victory and, if you play a lot of Blitzball after that, you get Wakka's Celestial weapon and its sigil

In case anyone didn't know there's a PSN golden week sale going on now so there's quite a few Japanese games on sale. It runs until the 5th, I think.

I know most people didn't like the movie but I'm glad I saw Superman v Batman in the theater, if only so I could hear WW's theme pn a decent sound system instead of on my crappy latptop speakers
The movie has plenty of flaws, but I went in expecting a dumb, loud popcorn flick and that's what I got, so overall I feel it

Yes Harry, making another particle accelerator explosion is a brilliant idea. There's no way that'll end up backfiring in some horrible way. I'm sure it'll all go perfectly fine and Barry will be the only person affected by it… for some reason.
Seriously, I like this show but the heroes have act like complete idiots

As has become usual this season, I didn't care for this episode. I guess my main problem with it is that I don't care about Alicia and Jason's relationship at all, so whenever they were on screen together I just tuned out.

FWIW, one of my cousins had a ketubah signing party before she got married. Don't remember when it was but I think it was at least a few days before the actual wedding.
So, I'd say a party like this is probably not super common but not unheard of

Everyone else has said it but yeah, that's pretty accurate. The show was pretty darn great during its first three seasons, stumbled in the first half of season 4, recovered and had a great fifth season and then stumbled again until it became the current mess it is.

Oh, yeah I know (I'm part of that group of people who complained about BD's second half).
When I said Setsuna was a good game I was going by the Japanese reviews (like I said above, it got decent reviews when it came out)

Yeah, it's a shame it didn't do well, because it was really fun and it looked great (both camera wise and because the entire cast was incredibly attractive and wore amazing clothes).

According to Wikipedia CT sold pretty well in Japan when it was released and it also did very well with critics.
Maybe Setsuna is just another case of a good game flying under most people's radar

Part of the reason it hasn't gotten a lot of coverage (besides Squenix's marketing sucking) is that it had a pretty bad E3 announcement.
I think it also hasn't had a particularly good reception or sales in Japan (they're not terrible, just not great), so that probably doesn't help much