
It probably helps that I kinda suck at it (I've been using Sailor Mars for her special but the game still relies mostly on luck), so it takes me quite a while to finish some levels

Haven't really played anything this week. Was going to get back to Story of Seasons or Tearaway but for some reason I didn't. I dunno what is it about those games that made me so excited to get them before they were out but since I got them I rarely want to actually play them

I dunno, part of me still doesn't quite get how you can degrade a character when you can just ignore the adaptations you don't like but I guess I'll have to wait and see how I react when one of these shows introduces one of the Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans before I judge anyone

True. Or at least evil Zoom is sexier than boring and bland Jay

I saw Mark Waid say more or less the same thing (he said the show was pissing on Jay's legacy) and I honestly don't understand that.
I mean, leaving aside the fact that this wasn't really Jay, just someone using his name, Flash and Arrow have a history of taking a character's name and some basic concepts and then doing

Yeah, it's nice that they explained the whole Jay/Zoom thing, but the show skipped the most important question I have: how is it that Teddy Sears looks hotter in his Zoom outfit than in this 'Jay' outfit? Is it the black outfit, the evil look? Science demands answers

While I would've also liked them to do something else with the crossover I understood why they ignored it. If they hadn't the people who didn't watch that episode of Supergirl would've been kinda lost and explaining what happened would've taken time from this episode's story

True but, in all fairness, Dragon Ball is probably easier to turn into a game.
Shounen series like DB are easier to adapt because they're mostly fighting with plot.
I'd say a better comparison would be Magic Knight Rayearth, which is also a shoujo series with much more emphasis on characters and plot than on fight

Had never hear of SM Dash so I looked up some gameplay video and it looks terrible. Not sure if it's because it was one of the first levels or what, but that seems like something I'd play for maybe a couple minutes and then get bored with it
And yeah, that sounds like it'd be super infuriating. My fave is Venus

I seriously doubt they would drop PS3 support because AFAIK the PS3 is still doing better in Japan than the PS4, and Atlus appears to consider Japan as its main market (if, for some godawful reason, you ever go to the MegaTen subreddit you'll see Atlus' PR guy basically confirm it because it looks like they can't do

Finished Persona 4 Golden yesterday. Will probably have to replay the first month until the 21st or so to get the Aiya trophy though (maxed my stats on December and apparently that's too late to get it)
End of game thoughts:
-So, everyone agrees that Marie's dungeon sucks, right? The whole 'loose half of your SP' after

Yeah, at this point the total lack of P5 updates point to Atlus being way too confident in how well known the Persona games are or them just having a completely inept PR department.
Going into the year P5 had a lot of hype, but the lack of updates has allowed games like FF XV or Bravely Second to steal most of it. It's

Same here. The demo killed any chances of me buying the full game.

No one's said it tonight so I might as well do so: I really hope Dale comes back next season.
It's amazing how the writers created a character who was trying to put two of the show's best characters behind bars and yet I couldn't bring myself to dislike her.
It's also surprising how heartbreaking her break up with Clive

Not sure what was cuter: Greg's complete enthusiasm while singing to Rebecca or Heather laughing at Josh (seriously, Lovell has an adorable laugh)

I work for an outsourced credit reporting agency (although we mainly do reports on companies, not people) and, weird as it may sound, it's up to the subject to make sure the information we use is up to date.
We get most of our information from official registries and company websites. If that company moved to a new

As someone who works for a credit reporting agency (although it's just a small outsourced one and we mostly only do reports on companies, not people) the main story was pretty funny. I have to use Experian somewhat often and their reports have so much wrong data it's funny

'I hear it's best to not do the December dungeon until the last chance in order to max out Social Links'
Beating the December dungeon makes you jump ahead to the end of the month, so if you finish it as soon as its available you'll miss the chance to work on your SLinks or do whatever.
The last date to finish it is the

Having read Fables before playing the game I'd say it was probably better you hadn't read it before.
Reading the comic you already know what's going to happen to some of the game's characters, so it takes away some of the suspense from what's going on.
It also made it a bit harder to believe some of the plot points

Nearing the end of Persona 4 Golden. I'm on 12/22 and about to start Adachi's dungeon (although I also have to do a second run through Heaven to beat its bonus boss).
Had forgotten how much the game slows down after you catch Namatame. There's almost an entire week you can't do anything because you're stuck in way too