
Only managed to watch the episode this morning (because who needs to start work at the right time?) and knew someone had died because TVLine posted some interviews about the show, but I was sure it was Martha that had died.
Between Stan's suspicions and the name of next week's episode I thought everyone's favorite

I don't know if I'd say it's the best show on the CW right now (Crazy Ex Girlfriend is soooooo good) but it's certainly top two at least

Great episode and all but I have to ask, I'm not the only one who thought Major looked oddly hotter with the pale skin and the streak of white hair, right?

But that's to be expected really. CW shows usually get much lower ratings than shows on other networks
I'd say the fact that they're doing about as well as Arrow and worse than Flash says more about how bad AC and SHIELD are doing than there being a ceiling for comic book shows

I liked Balthier much more than Basch or Asche (shocking, I know) but Basch and Asche would've probably been the best main characters.
Basch had the classic fallen hero story that FF loves, so if they wanted to go in a more FF4 route he would've been best.
If they wanted to highlight all the political aspects of the

I've always thought XII would be a stronger game if the developers hadn't added Van and Penelo and just left the focus on Basch/Asche/Balthier (there's a rumor they were also forced to add them but no one knows for sure, I think).
After the tutorial Van and Penelo become completely irrelevant to the plot, and yet they

Well, XV has an action battle system like Kingdom Heart's, so while I assume you are basically going to spam X it's not really the same as XIII. Shame it's not something I care about either

That's part of the reason why I haven't cared about FF since XII* came out. The series used to be great because it had a great story, not necessarily because of how great it looked, but now only making a great movie looking game is important.
From what I've read XIII had a way too convoluted story and the gameplay was

Reached the end of Naoto's dungeon in Persona 4 Golden, now just have to beat her boss to finish it. Not sure if Chie is underleveled because I didn't use her in the Void Quest or if she's squishier than I remember, but she died a few times on the way to the end.

I couldn't see the outfit very well (it seemed to be inspired by the current Earth 2 Flash's outfit, but not sure) and his scene was super short, so I have no real opinions about it aside from the thinking his scene probably should've been left for the uncut version they're releasing when the DVD/BluRay comes out

Not sure about New 52 continuity, but it used to be that Wally was Hartley's friend, not Barry

The episode was really dragged down by Barry acting like a complete idiot and everything being resolved a bit to easily, but it made up some of that thanks to giving us more Eddie 'totally not gay for Barry' Thawne and Hartley.

Part of it is that it didn't get a big marketing push, part of it is that the marketing it did get wasn't very good at showing what the movie was about.
Most of the marketing I saw made it look like an action movie, when it was really just a throwback to old lighthearted spy shows. Also, not enough focus on the

Yeah, I get that Rebecca can't really fault Paula for making her do everything she's done because at the end of the day it was her decision, but it would've been a good moment to note that part of the reason she did all those things is because Paula encouraged her to give in to her worst impulses

I dropped Supergirl after the second or third episode but I'm coming back to stare at Grant Gustin some more. I mean, to watch the episode.
Gustin and Benoist are really charming as their characters, so even if the writing sucks I'm sure it'll be a fun hour

"Eli decides to turn against Peter"
He did? When? Because he went to the AUSA to confess precisely so he couldn't be used against Peter.

Pretty sure the last projections were around 140-160, so this is a great opening week.
Not that it matters really, I read it has to make like 1 billion at the box office to be considered profitable, so if it has a big drop off next week (either because of bad reviews, bad word of mouth or whatever) having a big opening

The only "good" thing about being in late July is that I can't do any of the school SLinks during the summer holiday, so at least I don't have to worry about advancing those (although at this rate I'm assuming I'll barely touch Naoki and Ai's SLinks).

Still trucking on with Persona 4 Golden. I'm on July 29, so since last week I saved Kaji and Rise and finished the Void quest.

I'll go in a somewhat different direction than everyone else and recommend something in the Harvest Moon series (or Stardew Valley, if you only have a PC).