
IMO, Persona Q is fun, but you're not missing out on much if you don't play it.
I hadn't played any EO games before but the gameplay was easy enough to get used to (probably helps that Q is supposed to be easier than your average EO). You do have to rely a lot on the secondary Persona system (SP is even more scarce

What @disqus_g8H1ExLENm:disqus said. Don't remember their scores but I think it was something like Major had a ninety something (96, maybe?), Lowell an 88 and Drake either sixty or seventy something

Kitsch should just stop trying to become a serious dramatic actor and give people what they want. A sequel to The Covenant

Lowell shout out! Woot! But yeah, it was nice that the show remembers Major and Drake aren't the only guys Liv has dated since becoming a zombie

He did. The brains may have been the reason he was donating money to charity later on, but he made those other plans before eating the good guy brains

The episode wasn't bad, but some of the dialogue screamed 'anti drug PSA' too much.

The problem is that American standards of race don't quite apply when speaking about Latinos. I was born and raised in Latin America (hell, I'm writing this from Latin America) and yet I'm a blue-eyed white dude.
What some critics forget is that Latino doesn't always mean brown. There's also white, black and Asian

Julie Cooper is on Gotham now. If she doesn't have at least one scene with Gordon then the OC gods will be displeased

He would be. But if he was threatened with getting charged for bribing the DA to free his son he would probably also be grateful for being able to throw someone else under the bus

Well, on the bright side, at least last week I was right thinking that Peter was being accused of taking bribes from his donor to free his son. So… yay me?

Yeah, she says 2 million people watched the show illegally, but how many of those viewers were outside the US?
I downloaded the show during its last couple seasons, but I'm not in the US, so that had no impact on its ratings whatsoever (I also bought the Blu-Rays once they came out but that obviously still has no

I agree her new voice fits Chie better than the old one. The old one was way too deep to belong to a high schooler.
The problem is that the new one is also extremely shrill. You could argue that also fits Chie because she's rather loud, but it's just not a pleasant sound. At all.

I don't see myself using the Voice system much because I usually have my computer on while I'm playing (I'm either downloading something or have music in the background) so it's easier to just keep a walkthrough open and check what I can do each day there

Only played Persona 4 Golden and it reminded me how slow P4's early game is.
Less party members, less stuff to do (especially because you have to spend some extra time unlocking SLinks which you could use advancing the ones you already have) and coming right out of Digimon Cybersleuth (where you can have control over

Really happy about most of these renewals (can't say I care about the Vampire shows, SPN or Reign), especially so for Crazy Ex Girlfriend and iZombie.
Crazy Ex Girlfriend is one of the best shows on TV and iZombie season 2 has been even better than season 1 (which was already really good), so I'm happy we're getting

When it comes to JRPGs I've long come to the realization that unless you can commit to wasting absurd amounts of time playing and re-playing the game then aiming for the platinum trophy makes no sense.
I've read there's a trophy in Golden for getting all of Rise's lines which I know for sure I'm not getting because I'm

Digimon Cyber Sleuth reminded me that you can play a game for about 60 hours and still not be playing it right.
I was going to finish it last weekend until I noticed I wasn't using the farm right, so I spent most of this week grinding to level up some of my Digimon or killing time until their farm training was done and

VC is really good. One of the best PS3 games ever, IMO
The story does have a few crappy points, but overall its pretty strong and the gameplay is really fun. The graphics were already pretty good on PS3 so I'm assuming they'll look even better on PS4.

It's not impossible, but I don't see why the donor would've gotten involved if it had been Peter's kid

"who is prosecuting Peter for…we still don’t know"
Going by what the episode revealed what most likely happened is that the donor is the father of the kid Cary was prosecuting, and he gave Peter money in exchange for him either being lenient or somehow dismissing the charges against his son (Peter was still the DA in