
Nearing the end of Digimon Cyber Sleuth's main story. Just have to do the last few sidequests (which include the Royal Knight and Demon Lord battles, so that'll probably take a while) and beat the last chapter and I'm done. Not sure if I'm going to finish it this weekend because those two sets of boss fights are hard

re: Digimon blocking the camera.
If it really bothers you there's two solutions for this. You can either pull back the camera (it doesn't pan out that much but it helps) or just turn off the option to have your partner Digimon show up in the field.

Best episode of the show to date… which may be damning it with faint praise because the show hasn't really lived up to the promise of the pilot but still, it was good

Awww, poor Greg keeps having horrible timing.

I watched the Japan episode a few days ago and didn't care much for it. Mainly because, while they kinda mentioned it, they never really delved into how Japan is a collectivist society, and that obviously makes a big difference in why LGBT people there have a harder time coming out or being accepted

As expected, I've become addicted to Digimon Cyber Sleuth.
I'm on chapter 16 (or maybe 17, don't remember) and, while the story still isn't great, the bosses are getting more difficult to beat and the Digimon raising system is getting more addictive.
Just spent like 3 hours grinding just to raise the ABI levels of some

Having played both Cyber Sleuth and most of the Persona series I'd say 'Digimon-meets-Persona' doesn't really fit the game, character design aside (the guy that responsible for Cyber Sleuth's character design worked on some SMT games)

Maybe shocking isn't the right word, but I'm guessing we were supposed to be at least slightly surprised that Blaine is a zombie again.
I know we all know the show isn't going to kill one of its most popular characters, but the fact that the wine scene was all the foreshadowing they gave for it makes me assume they

Abigail must be going through a rebellious phase because instead of breaking tea cups like her murder dad taught her she's drawing stuff on coffee cups. At least it's somewhat pretentious drawings, so I guess Hannibal can be somewhat proud

Same here. Thought the 'Blaine is a zombie again' reveal wasn't that shocking because that scene made it a bit too obvious it was coming

On the bright side, at least Caitlin got to deliver the episode's usual technobabble instead of needing to have things explained to her. I guess all we needed for the writers to remember she's supposed to be a brilliant scientist is more animal themed bad guys

Pretty sure all Vita games are cheaper than their PS3/4 versions. Probably the only incentive Sony ever gave people to get them to buy Vita games :P
I thought it was an error because for some reason I remembered the Vita version being only $10 cheaper, but it's actually $20 cheaper, and last time something like this

Was on holidays abroad this past couple of weeks (NY was fun but oh so effing cold and Boston was lovely and not as crazy cold) so didn't game all that much other than for an hour or so before going to sleep. I had originally planned to play Persona 4 Golden and getting the PS4 version of Digimon Cybersleuth to play

'Yosuke is becoming insufferable'
IMO, Yosuke is easily the game's weakest character. He probably is annoying for laughs and so he can more easily fill all the best friend anime cliches, but I never warmed up to him so I never used him.
I especially didn't like all the Kanji jokes he made. They are probably a somewhat

"making it a little hard to believe the Iris of this world ever fall for him"
Why would it be hard to believe? Earth 2 Barry was adorable as hell. And even if he weren't he still looks like Grant Gustin, so he'd probably be able to at least get a date :P

Good. Everyone involved should be proud because they made 4 and a half or maybe 5 great seasons of TV, but the show has been spinning its wheels for a while now so it's past time for it to end.
This season has been mostly terrible and aimless and, aside from Cary's storyline, last season wasn't particularly better

Really? I thought when they changed some of the VAs for Golden/PQ they had also replaced Baker.
Good new then. Mercer would've been ok but Troy Baker is the ultimate Kanji

Honestly, while I would've preferred keeping her old VA, I can live with the change, it'll just be a matter of getting used to it
The only change I was worried about was Kanji's because he's my favorite character, but from what I've hear Matthew Mercer did a good job.

Was going to start Digimon Cyber Sleuth but I'm leaving on holidays next week so I'm just going to wait, pick it up for PS4 when I'm there (without the PSN tax there's not that big a difference between Vita and PS4) and then just play it all the time until I have to go back to work.

Where did you read that? Because AFAIK the only Arrow characters that were planned to move to LoT were Sara and Ray.