
I know that Blaine is totally evil but I'm not going to lie, I was kinda rooting for him and Peyton. The show really lucked out with Anders and Buckley (and everyone else really) because they have great chemistry with everyone

"The whole laundry room scene is truly representative of the episode as a
whole. It’s so over-the-top and kind of insane, but it also made me cry
a lot"

Only been playing Child of Light this week. Played until chapter 7, which I think is about halfway through the game. Overall I like it but it's not what I'd call great.
My main issue is how the entire battle system is centered around getting interrupts. To a certain extent it's interesting and kinda fun, but when every

I think this is the first time in a while I've actually believed Paula genuinely cares about Rebecca and isn't just trying to live through her to escape her life.
The scene in the kitchen and their last scene together was just lovely, and they both probably showed Paula at her best

I'm not sure where I'd place S07. It's easily one of the weakest seasons, but I'm not a huge fan of S01 or S02 (wasn't crazy about Eccleston's Doctor and straight up didn't like Rose) and Tennant's specials are mostly garbage, so I probably wouldn't put it at the bottom of the list

I don't know if I'd say he botched his next two seasons.
S06's arc was a mess for sure, but there were some great episodes there (Doctor's Wife, A Good Man Goes to War, The God Complex). Overall it wasn't as good as S05 but it was hardly that bad.
S07 was very weak, but that was partly because the Ponds left halfway

Yeah, puzzles with weird solutions are pretty much GF's bread and butter. There's a puzzle in the last chapter that was super annoying because unless you remembered a basically throwaway line from Ch 1 the solution made no sense whatsoever.

Yeah, I had to go to spend most of the afternoon at my parents place to use their AC because it got to 40C and that's waaaaay too hot for me to function.
Obviously the power went out around 5 so I had to come back home and make due with just a fan -_-

Right hemisphere, wrong country unfortunately. I'm in Argentina.

Finished Grim Fandango Remastered last week and I can't say I liked it much. The story was fine, although I'd say there were a few things/characters that came out of nowhere (like, I had no clue where the botanist that LaMancha hires in the last chapter came from) but gameplay suffered quite a bit from some design

Yeah, the episode started with way too much exposition (the first 20-30 minutes were basically just that) but overall it was a pretty fun episode IMO.
The fight scene was great, some of the characters gelled really fast (if Stein shading Ray is going to become a running gag then I'm all for it) and Darvill was a pretty

Team Flash sure looks good in formalwear. The episode was already good, but having Grant in a tux was a nice extra

Shame it didn't win in any of its categories though (although I guess it is to be expected)

She did quit after she won. They show had that storyline of Alicia and the LAL partners having to work on her exit package.

Better than last week's mess but that's hardly saying much.

Started playing Grim Fandango Remastered last week. So far I'm not loving it.
I'm not sure if it's because my expectations were too high or because I'm playing with tank controls (who the hell thought making that mandatory for a trophy was a good idea????) but so far I haven't liked it as much as I did some of

I know they supposedly expanded the BP category, to include more blockbuster movies, but if that were true shouldn't at least one Marvel movie had gotten nominated by now?
According to wikipedia Avengers 1 was the highest grossing movie of 2012 and didn't get a BP nom. Hell, Transformers 4 was the highest grossing

I agree that's why they needed a time jump, but it would've made more sense to put it before or after this episode, not during it

''fans hopeful that Star Wars: The Force Awakens would validate their life choices by snagging a Best Picture nomination will be disappointed"
I'm curious, was anyone really expecting TFA to get a best picture nomination? I would totally agree it deserves noms for effects, music, and other technical stuff, but for best

I get why they made the time jumps but yeah, they ended up making some of the stuff that happened last episode (mainly Clive 'breaking up' with Liv) feel pointless. Why have them split up if they are not only going to get back together next episode but are going to spend most of that episode working as they usually do?