
Yes, Marguiles should get some extra perks for being the lead, but the whole Archie thing was waaaaay too much.
They could've agreed to Julianna having to shoot less scenes with Archie, but not having any for like 2 or 3 seasons and then not even shooting Archie's last scene together? That's not giving her extra perks,

No idea if Cummings is leaving the show (there's nothing on his wiki or imdb) but if the show does get renewed he should leave anyways. Eli has never had a lot to do but it's obvious the writers are just giving him random plots to justify keeping Cummings. I've already said how much I hate his vendetta against Peter

They should just end the show. Not because the Kings are great showrunners and the show is going to go to hell without them, they're actually pretty darn bad at their job (only plausible reason for the whole Archie Panjabi debacle is that they are letting Marguiles have way too much control over the show). It should

I didn't mean Luca (I have no feelings about her honestly). I meant the new LAL lawyer, the one that accused them of discriminatory practices. Don't remember her name

No, just… no.

'Was that opening sequence with the plate throwing the moment this show
jumped the shark? That was really below what this show used to be.'
Yes, I honestly don't know what I found more hammy: Alicia throwing plates at Eli or her sadly listening to sad music, reading a sad novel and wearing dark (and probably sad)

Yeah, the last boss fight felt really repetitive.

Finished King's Quest Ep 1 and while I liked it I don't think I'm going to get the other episodes. It was fun, but there were some parts where I really felt like I was missing something because I haven't played any of the previous games.

"the final months of gameplay are quite a slog"
That was one of the most glaring weaknesses P3 and Vanilla P4 had. There are a few SLinks you can work on during those last few months and P4 Golden added some extra events to give you more to do, but those months are probably designed so you can grind to be ready for the

The first act didn't do much for me, aside from the bits with Josh's family, so I didn't love the episode, but the second act was great

You'll probably be able to jump into season 2 without needing to watch season 1 (although you should if you have the time because it's great).
Most episodes are pretty self contained, so I doubt you'll miss much

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the few differences between the PS3 and PS4 versions is having the option to change between the Japanese and English dubs.
Atlus seems to prefer dubbing over subtitling (which isn't terrible because they usually get good VAs) but this seems like a good and easy way to beef up the

The only new show I can think of that I'm looking forwards to is Legends of Tomorrow. I'm worried the show is overextended (Berlanti shows are good and occasionally great but they don't excel at handling big casts) but I'm still looking forward to it because all the promos for it have been great. Also, I need more

Well that was… interesting. Don't know if I'd say it was good (certainly far from anything from season 1 or 2) but it sure was interesting.

"It was much better than season 3"
That's not saying much though. Other than maybe the wedding episode (which was fun) season 3 as a whole was pretty much terrible

You don't even need to get actresses from different shows to replace Dushku. Dichen Lachman or Amy Acker would've both been much better Echos than Dushku
I didn't hate Dushku but she is basically a one note actress, so there was never a chance in hell she was going to be able to be a good fit for the part. I haven't

While I can't say I'm upset David Anders is on this list (because he really is great) I'm surprised he was picked over Rose McIver or even Robert Buckley.
McIver is basically network TV's Tatiana Maslany and Buckley has done some amazing work in these two seasons (it also helps he has chemistry with everyone *insert

I liked some small parts of its but overall yeah, I didn't like it either. The worst part was that weird 'stealth' section because you're supposed to have to hide but it's just easier to not worry about getting caught and rewinding when necessary

Yeah, I can totally understand why people would put it in their list. I thought episode 5 was complete garbage, but the game as a whole has enough great things in it that if you liked the ending then it really is one of the best games of the year

I think the problem is that the ending of LiS was extremely polarizing. You either loved it or thought it was garbage.
So regardless of how good the game mechanics, music or dialogue are, it would've been very surprising to see an indie-ish episodic game in a Best of list if its story is one of the things most people