
That makes sense. I guess I'm just a bit surprised this one is getting so much hate when the previous trailer was relatively well received even though you could say it had a lot of the same problems as this one

I don't really get why this trailer is getting so much hate.
I mean, this one wasn't a great trailer (the previous one was definitively better) but I just feel like all the things people are complaining about with this one were to be expected? The on the nose dialogue was already there on the previous trailer and on

Not sure what I found funnier, Ravi trying to get Clive to talk about GoT or him thinking that he needs a badge to attract people

It was pretty weird Peyton wasn't in the episode. If Liv was going to jail one would think the first person they'd call is her friend who works at the DA's office

Really good episode but I have to say, the best part of the hour IMO was the new Legends of Tomorrow promo.
I was going to watch it anyways because of Arthur Darvill but all the promos for the show have been great. Can't wait for it to premiere

I kinda love them all (even 'I Give Good Parent' ended up growing on me) but my favorites are probably 'Sex With a Stranger' and 'Face Your Fears' (which is a really funny song that works even better with Rebecca's reaction to the song's craziness)

'Somehow, both she and Grant Gustin stepped up their acting about tenfold after their time on Glee.'
It probably helps that, cringe worthy as it may be at times, the writing on Flash and Supergirl is far better than Glee's

"Alicia has had two straight seasons of "Will she or won't she?" love interests"
Not that it's an excuse really, but this was probably a result of Matthew Goode leaving the show to do Downton Abbey*. JDM character was probably just created to make up for his loss

Cary not having clear (or even consistent) characterization isn't really new, but it is more noticeable after last season when the writers finally gave him a decent and somewhat long storyline.
Badly handled as the whole "Cary vs older lawyers" plot may have been, it at least gave him something to do. Hell, a random

Is this the first time they've established Google exists in this universe? Because it seems hard to believe a company can be as successful as ChumHum supposedly is when Google and, most likely, Apple exist

Yeah, Josh said Claire had dared Tom to ask for permission (I assume he knew it was a dare because of Claire's cackling)

Finished Dragon Quest Heroes' story a couple of week ago and have been trying to get through the post game stuff during the weekend but I'm starting to think that's a lost cause. The rematch against the story bosses are hard but doable, but the new bosses and one of the post game missions are just so much harder than

I didn't have as many issues with seasons 4 and 5 as a lot of other people did but would agree that they never reached the heights of 2 or 3. They're still great TV though

"burn through seasons two and three—maybe the best run of sci-fi ever aired on television"
Amen. As far as I'm concerned, Fringe season 2 and 3 is the benchmark other Sci-Fi shows are judged against. There are probably some weaker episodes in there but overall the writing and acting in those two season is incredibly

While I'd agree that it's really good I can understand why it's not on a list of shows to binge during Thanksgiving.
Only 7 episodes have aired so far and that doesn't seem enough to binge on, unless you also count the inevitable constant rewatch of the show's excellent musical numbers

They're both really good shows and deserve much better ratings than they have. Hopefully this means the CW has confidence in them and they'll have a chance to build a bigger audience (or, in CEG's case, just get some awards so it can be safe like JtV)

I could buy that, I guess, but didn't Kelly Bishop say while on the phone with Grace that she was going so send over some documents to move over to Alicia's firm? (legit question, I was only half paying attention to that scene)

But even if Alicia's name were a massive draw (which I can buy, to a certain extent) I would still expect them to at least check our her offices before deciding to take her business there.
Not to say that if your organization is big enough a 2 person firm working out of an apartment is probably not going to be a good

Wouldn't say this was the season's worst episode but still, it was hardly what I'd call good.

Instant F because they were having fried chicken and I'm not. Now I just want fried chicken.