
Hadn't she decided to stop taking her meds last season? She probably just never started taking them again

The Persona games are like most FF or DQ games, there are a few callbacks to other games in the series but they are all stand alone.
You can play Golden without having played any of the other games (there's maybe one small section of the game that works better if you've played 3 but it's nothing important really)

"Also, why isnt Gilda always in the apartment when Major is there"
Weren't Liv and Major in Major's place? If they spend most of their time together there then they shouldn't run into Gilda very often (or at all)

"Also, I loved that at the end she is upset at the scene of Greg and
Rebecca genuinely connecting and enjoying each other, because she might
be even more invested in Josh and Rebecca than Rebecca is"

In all fairness, pretty much everyone in her family seemed to be ignoring everyone else too

I didn't like this episode as much as some of the previous ones (“I Give Good Parent” did nothing for me) but this was still a good episode, specially all the Greg scenes.

Anyone else thinking that the writers are making Howard and Jackie get married so they can kill them and have Alicia inherit his stake in FAL (through Peter)?
If that does end up happening I'm not sure how I'd feel about it. On the one had it'd explain why the writers are using Howard so damn much but, on the other, it

Spoilers? It's in the preview for next week's episode

Maybe it's because I'm still thinking of the show at its best, but this didn't work for me at all

"First of all, didn't we all agree as a TV viewing community that The
Good Wife's weakest episodes were the ones involving the NSA?"

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the episode. I liked the first 'zanier' half (except for the Backstreet Boys sequence which was… odd) and loved the second more depressing half, but I'm not so sure about them together. I think they clashed a bit? Maybe that's something that'll work better after re watching it

Because when the superhero bubble inevitably bursts they would have to find a completely new programming strategy.
Most of their non-DC shows may have terrible ratings but they do help maintain some diversity so when they have to move away from superhero shows they won't have to get rid of everything (it also helps

Wait, they've announced they're doing a Mr Terrific spinoff?

In addition to @A Winged Potato:disqus 's point, it also doesn't help that part of the reason CW passed on Supergirl is that they didn't want to become the DC Network, so odds are they won't pick up another DC show until Arrow is done

When I said the "season 1 memo" I meant the internal memo that first mentioned people going crazy after taking Max Rager (the one that went public in the season 1 finale), not Major's list

I assume Super Max is enough to become a zombie.
Regular Max Rager at least partly turned people into zombies (the people mentioned in the season 1 memo didn't take any Utopium IIRC), so if Super Max is being made specially to take advantage of the few perks of being a zombie then it makes sense taking it would be

It’s unclear to me exactly what Max Rager is doing with the Super
Max experiments in the basement. Are they making sure Super Max doesn’t
make more zombies before releasing it?

Not a terrible episode, but can't say I cared much for it either

I have to ask, am I the only one who thinks Alicia and Lucca's relationship is coming across as a bit forced, or maybe just rushed?
I mean, Alicia has known Lucca for what? a month or two? and she's already asking her if she wants to go into business together? The actresses work well together, but I can't buy Alicia

I can give the show a pass for not showing Iris and her mom because for all we know that's going to happen in future episodes. But we do know they filmed an Iris/Barry scene, so it does seem like a waste not to have it in the episode