
For all of Smallville's failings (and it had plenty of them) I could never bring myself to drop it the same way I did something like Supernatural. Yeah, some of the characters were super bland and the stories dragged on way too much, but there was always something that made me stick with it (Lex and Lionel during the

'Also did anyone think the show should have just been retitled
"Metropolis" by around season 6-7 seeing how it was basically a Superman
show just without Superman?'
From what I remember that was most viewers and critics' opinion for the last couple of seasons

I know, that's mainly why it didn't bother me all that much, but the Utopium didn't seem to have affected him as much as it did last week, so it did seem slightly out of character to me

Not that much but Erica Durance is the best live action Lois and Glover was amazing as Lionel, so it did also have those things going for it. Also, Welling was nice to look at (and still is tbh)

Apparently a scene between Barry and Iris got cut (Candice tweeted a picture of it) and, much as I may enjoy Captain Cold, I'm kinda sad about it. If you're going to drop such a big bomb on Iris it'd be good to spend some more time seeing how it affects her. Especially if the theme of the episode is family.

The brain of the week was funny at first (and Rose McIver sure looked good in those dresses) but yeah, the show went a bit overboard with it.
It would actually be interesting if the show ever explores why some brains affect Liv more than others. Housewife brain seemed to affect Liv much more than some of the other

I mentioned it in WOT, but I found Arnold pretty damn boring last season (I couldn't have agreed more with Rose when she said he was annoying) but he was much better this episode. It helps that this episode was much more focused than most episodes last season

I mean, he *is* cute but he bored me to tears last season. To be fair, that was one of my main complaints about most of the characters introduced last season aside from Hannah, so it's not a problem specific to him, but it still means I don't really care about him

I'm not holding out for regular coverage (we were probably lucky to get the season review) but yeah, that was pretty good.
I liked that the show went back to a season 1 vibe and just focused on Josh, instead of introducing a bunch of barely developed characters.
Also liked that someone in the show finally admitted how

So, in season 1 Major lost his job, thought he was going crazy and was shortly turned into a zombie. This season he's been forced to become an assassin and he's possibly becoming a drug addict. Guesing next season he'll find out he has cancer or that his puppy died?

So she's going to hook up with Caitlin instead of Barry?

Eh. It doesn't matter how good looking Rock Cosnett is, Quantico is just far too dumb for me too keep up with it.
Seriously, I think Quantico asks me to suspend my disbelief far more than Flash does. And this is a show with a psychic gorilla

So, A for shirtless Teddy Sears… but the episode did lose quite a few point because of asshole Barry (yeah, I know he had a good enough reason for it, but still). So I guess B+ is fine.

I know grades don't really matter but I'm completely surprised this got a B+. IMO, this could very well be one of the show's worst episodes.
-The case made 0 sense. The show kept trying to make the photographer's position somewhat understandable but it only made her seem worse. Like, at one point she used a painting of

Right now I honestly couldn't recommend you come back to the show. Last week's episode was ok at best and this one was terrible IMO.
The show could always recover, of course, but so far nothing I've seen in these last 2 episodes give me much confidence that's going to happen

I'm still a bit confused why Liv didn't tell her mom she had AIDS, or some kind of blood transmitted disease. Seems like a better reason to refuse giving blood than going down the old "I have a good excuse, but I can't tell you what it is" route

"I expected Henry to be released then dying since there was a time table on the video"
Same here. The moment Barry thought there was something wrong with his dad I assumed Henry was going to tell him he was sick or something like that.
Glad it didn't happen because I don't know if I could've survived Grant's crying

"We don't know exactly what happened between Archie and Julianna, outside of Page Six reports—which are simply unreliable."

He probably meant Ramona. The writer's must have gotten her job mixed up with Marilyn's

Maybe it's because after the whole Archie debacle I've started to dislike Julianna Margulies and that has translated to disliking her character, but whenever the episode was about Alicia it just got way more boring to me.
It also doesn't help that the episode was making me buy into three things that I can't believe are