
Same here. After the mess that was last season and what little news have been released about this season I'm not looking forward to the show anymore, but I'm willing to stick with it for one more season if it is its last

He was convicted and then acquitted, if I remember correctly. I mean, it still doesn't make sense to have him run because he has a ton of other scandals behind him, but I think he can at least explain that one

Taking in count the show's track record it's more likely her run in the show will consist of showing up for 5 minutes in a couple of episodes and that's it

Probably that he knows pandering to his gay fanbase is the only reason he still has a career. I mean, his last album was surprisingly good, but he's not particularly talented, so there's a ton of people who could replace him at any time

Today's episode of Gotham ended up online sometime last week and I have to say, it was pretty good. You know, by Gotham standards.
It wasn't good enough to get everyone here to start liking the show (although that's partly because once the AVClub's hive mind has decided to just snark on something I doubt there's any

Alicia doesn't have to answer to anyone? So I guess they're taking some queues from Julianna Margulies' relationship with everyone else in the show?

Yeah, it's weird how much hate Constantine is getting. It wasn't the best show ever, but it was hardly that bad

If that will finally rid us of 'Great Job, Internet!' then bring on the cameos

Same here. It's not a great movie by any means (the plot is full of cliches) but it is really fun and it looks gorgeous (costuming and actors wise).
Kinda sad it's doing so bad and most likely won't get a sequel.

I still think that the worst part of Bunhead's cancellation is that we never got to see Megan Hilty play Ginny's mother. They look so much alike it's weird they're not related

They did but it was so vague that most people who weren't following Cerone or Ryan on twitter probably missed it

She upgraded IMO (and so did the show really, because Parker is a better actor than Colton)

Even season two, which opened with wet abs and continued with towel-clad
Jackson “I have a restraining order!” Whittemore, had the story always
at the forefront

If by 'first arc' you mean the war against the empire then no, you should probably just drop it there.
It's not that the series becomes terrible all of a sudden, it's just that, as everyone else has mentioned here, the latter half of the series is much weaker than the first and, IMO, this last issue is terrible (it's

'And no consequences for Beast or Ozma's deaths — we don't even get to see Beauty or Bigby's reactions?'
That's the part that annoyed me the most. Beast, Ozma and Cinderella die because of a dumb conflict and Willingham doesn't even bother showing how their deaths affect others?
Totenkinder's death was fine because she

Same here. I got a PS4 mainly because my PS3 hasn't been working well for a while.
If it weren't for that I would probably have waited at least another year to get one because there's only like 3 games that I care about and only 3 or 4 more that have been announced for it. It also sucks that you can't even play PS1/2

I'm kinda sad Fables is ending because I've been reading it for so long but at the same time I'm also glad it's ending. The series started to loose steam after they beat the Empire, and it's been getting progressively worse since sometime after they defeated the Dark Man
It doesn't help that Willingham has been killing

From what I remember this show was originally planned to air on The CW's digital platform (CWSeed), so if its ratings tank they probably won't cancel it straight away, they'll just make it a digital only thing

I can't compare it to the original because I haven't played that version, but on its own it's not that good IMO. The gameplay is extremely dated (too many random battles, excessive basically mandatory grinding, first person view navigation) and the story is not that great.
Honestly, I would only recomend the game to

"the real disappointment in P3 was that it abandoned the amazing "rumors become reality" element of the first two games"