
"I needed to level up the entire party to 99"
You didn't need to level up anyone to 99 though. The enemies' level scaled up to match yours, so grinding so much was just making things harder for your

I don't know if I agree with the DDS/Persona comparison simply because those games are so different

Non Non Biyori is the most similar anime I can think of plot wise
(girl transfers to school in the countryside and has to get used to life there).
I haven't watched it past the first episode (been meaning to watch the rest though) but I read it was quite good

The problem is that nowadays physical release of anime is not that common because a lot of it is much more widely available for streaming than it used to be.
There's obviously the occasional release of some of whatever show is big atm but, unless you're willing to pay way too much money for a local edition or are

Ant-Man is "one of this summer’s best-received action movies"? Most of the reviews I've seen range from "It's ok" to "I didn't mind it".

12 is a case of love it or hate it. Most people agree that the game looked awesome and most of its characters were great, but the battle and leveling systems and the plot are very divisive

Co-sign on how great Silver Spoon is. It's so good that it's become one of my favorite anime

I wonder how much of the inconsistent writing is a result of the show being on Fox (where there's a lot of pressure to appeal to a wide audience) as opposed to the CW (where showrunners know their rating are mostly going to be crap so they can just focus on keeping the people they know watches the network)

I'd still prefer to call it "Rory's new show"
I can't be the only one that's mainly watching it to see time traveling badass Rory… right?

Agreed. Gotham overall is far from great, but if there's two things about that have worked from the beginning they're the actors you mentioned (especially Penguin and Lil'Bruce) and the look of the show.
The writing is mainly terrible, but those people (and even Gordon, by the end of the season) were able to do great

Killjoys is ok, but it's a bit too generic.
It's nice to see a female led SciFi show (and a WOC at that) and it's great that they're not trying to pair her up with the male leads, but pretty much everything about the show reminds me of better shows that I've already seen.

From what I recall, during TNT's last upfronts Kevin Reilly (TNT's President) said they were still working on the show but were hoping to start casting sometime during the summer.
I'm guessing that, if it doesn't get quietly canceled, the show probably won't premiere until summer next year.

I thought season 5 was the show's best season since season 1, but the show still doesn't deserve any nominations outside of stuff like costuming
The writing has always been ok at best and none of the actors are doing anything remarkable either

I get that. I guess teen shows ship supposed teens with people in positions of power so often that I don't even think about it anymore. I'm actually surprised the show hasn't tried to pair up one of the teens with a random hot teacher. That seems like a cliche made for this show

Yeah, can we get rid of Mason (and everyone else that was introduced with Liam tbh) and just keep Phil the bartender?

The book gets way more hate here than than it deserves. It has quite a few flaws and there are parts that drag, but it is a pretty fun read.
If you know what to expect it's a good book to read on the beach or during a flight/commute to work.

From what I recall there were a few references to solar power in the book, so that's probably how most things are powered in the novel's universe.
I think the novel also hinted at people's constant use of the OASIS being one of the reasons for the energy crisis, but I'm not sure about that

Robyn was the investigator for Lockhart, Agos and Lee. If Alicia is hiring JDM's character then he wouldn't be replacing Robyn because he would be working for Alicia's new firm

"While superheroes might just be the most overrepresented group on television these days"
Except that they're not? There's 4 superhero shows on air, 6 at most if you include Gotham (which would be a stretch IMO) and iZombie (which would barely make sense) and there's what? At least like 6 or 7 crime procedurals?

While I agree the iZombie finale is great it's unfortunately not on the list
"Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat" is episode 12. The actual finale is "Blaine's World".