
' Tee-hee, Stiles is looking for apartments in the San Francisco area.'
I wouldn't get excited Franko. Knowing this show it's entirely possible Stiles just magically won the lottery and wants to invest his millions in San Francisco's grossly overvalued real estate market

Knights of Sidonia season 2 finished in Japan yesterday (it premieres in Netflix in a couple of weeks… which is a bit odd for something that's supposed to be a Netflix original).
The show is still good, but I'd say overall season 2 was far weaker than season 1.

I liked the last two episodes well enough but so far there's nothing really special about the show tbh. Aside from the fact that the main character is a WOC the show is a bit too generic. Entertaining, but generic nonetheless
Still, I've read it supposedly gets better later on, so I'm willing to stick with it.

Nah, it's not a secret. Cable networks may be better, but if you only compare it to NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox then CW is much better IMO

I think Starfire was going to be in TNT's Teen Titans show

Tom Cavanagh played Ed in… well, Ed, from 00' to 04'. Quite a few people in the Flash comments section know the show and have often commented how surprising it is too see Cavanagh as a bad guy.
I guess I just assumed the reference wasn't obscure enough to have to clarify I was talking about Tom Cavanagh and not some

The thing with Dollhouse is that is couldn't be as good as it could've simply because Eliza Dushku isn't that good an actress. She's not terrible, but she's simply not as good as she had to be to play Echo.
Dollhouse was at its best when it focused on Sierra, Victor or Adelle because the actors that played them were

I wrote Ed *and* Steven Weber, so no idea who Ed Weber is…
Wikipedia says he's an "American former politician from Ohio" :P

What's been the CW's biggest acomplishment this season? Airing several critically aclaimed shows (one of which even won a major award!) or making Ed and Steven Weber believable super villains?

Haven't we been past that point for a few episodes now?

I assume that's what she said right after saying no. Liv must've known a situation like this (blood transfusion, medical test, etc.) was going to come up at some point so she must've come up with some lies to cover up for her.
HIV, or some kind of blood disease, seems like the easiest lie to get out of a blood

Hasn't Fuller been saying that the first episode was all about Hannibal and Bedelia for months now? It seems weird not to expect it when he hasn't been trying to hide it

While I'm sure it'll be amazing, how can this already have a community grade of A-?? If it were an A I guess I could understand it (superfans are never hesitant to give their shows As), but an A-? Is there a big crossover between Community and Hannibal fans?

If by more episodes they mean they are releasing the movie in 4 30min parts (like what happened to Futurama… hopefully with better pacing though) then I'm fine with that.
If they really mean a full 7th season then I hope nothing comes out of it. I love the show but it's time for it to end

Another possibility is that Liv somehow taints Blaine's food with Ravi's cure and that kills or actually cures all his customers

Agreed on Ryan. I liked the show overall but if there was one reason why I was hoping it'd get renewed was because he was amazing as John

They already did a comic book adaptation. It got cancelled so, depending on your opinion on Constantine, they may be ahead of you

I don't think an official reason has been given for the delay, so I guess it's Willingham just not having any rush to finish the series.
Either that or DC wants to delay it to release a few more deluxe editions before the end.

The Major twist was really well done. Johnny Frost not being real was getting kinda obvious before the reveal because it made no sense for him to accompany Liv everywhere, but Major being a hallucination totally surprised me.

Yeah, I'm actually envious that he managed to avoid the horrid POS that Argentine TV has become in the last 15 years or so (not that it was all that great before)