
Superman existing in the show's universe will make a lot of things weird if you think about it.

Agreed on Linda Danvers. I'm kinda glad no other writer used her after her series ended because it probably would've been a trainwreck, but I do wish she had shown up somewhere before the New 52 reboot (maybe they could've done Convergence Supergirl about her)

Just watched it (one of the perks of being as far away from my supervisor as possible) and I liked it.

Are they still doing the episodes live or have they gone back to pre recorded episodes?

um… spoilers?

The Duff did prety well, so he probably wants to use that to move on to better things, and that probably doesn't include a (hopefully great) CW show.

I'm also a Johns fan (although I haven't read a lot of New 52 series so I haven't read most of his current stuff), I just hate Flash Rebirth
GLR made sense because Hal had been seriously messed up by Emerald Twilight, but Barry didn't have to be brought back. He died a hero and helped move the Flash legacy forward.

One of the future glimpses Barry saw when he was running was Caitlin as Killer Frost

Who would we have to kill to stop Flash Rebirth from happening?

It's weird that Caitlin tends to get stuck as the audience surrogate when she's also supposed to be a brilliant scientist.
The writers could occasionally get a pass because she's a biologist, not a physicist or engineer, but still, she shouldn't have to act dumb so often

I don't know who I hate more right now, the writers for killing actual human puppy Eddie Thawne or whoever scheduled that stupid add with "So Happy together" in it right after Eddie died.

…can't they at least twerk to a better Britney song?

Yeah, I'm a bit confused by the notion that recasting Candice is somehow going to fix Iris.
Iris has been a mostly terrible character because she's gotten mostly terrible writing that isolated her in forced romantic stories or separates her from the rest of the cast.
I won't say Candice is one of the show's best actors,

That's weird. Especially because the article itself includes a quote from Robert King that all but says they weren't BFFs:

I dunno. Even the master show seemed pretty fake to me when the episode aired. It looked like Alicia was looking in Kalinda's general direction but wasn't actually looking at Kalinda

uh… did anyone really think they actually filmed that scene together? Unless I missed a huge thread pretty much everyone in comments section of the episode review agreed there wasn't a chance in hell they were in the same room because the editing was incredibly bad and obvious.

It helps that Marguiles has been one of the show's producers for a few seasons now and the Kings are completely spinless when it comes to her, so she can do whatever she wants

I'm not quite sure how to feel about the Crazy Ex Girlfriend trailer.
On the one hand it looks pretty damn terrible. On the other, it looks so terrible that is may end up being fun to watch.

They filmed a couple of scenes for this trailer (pictures of the scene on the roof leaked a while ago), either as part of the pitch to the network or as a way to get people excited about the show so people don't forget about it after all the other new comic book shows have premiered

He's probably still stuck in the cupboard though, so he'll never have the chance