
If she gets one then Snart and/or Ray should have at least one shirtless scene per episode. Equal fanservice for all.

What kind of monster would ever want to punch Rory in the face?

I don't really remember what he said, but I do remember it was kinda vague. Like, you could read it as confirmation of him being bi or just as a random joke

The promo pic for Legends of Tomorrow shows Ray with his suit, so unless they are changing what the suit does we may be stuck with Iron Atom for a while.

I'll just copy what I posted on WOT:

I can't blame you. None of the news about the show before it premiered filled you with confidence. The fact that is was as good as it was (ie, it was mostly ok and sometimes good) was a nice surpise

He did sleep with a woman in one of the last few episodes but he made a joke that the writers said was hinting at him being bi

Michael Ausiello just posted this on twitter:

Yeah, when it happened the change was really jarring. I guess it's a good thing Fox Latin America airs The Simpsons 24/7* so people could get used to it quickly

The Supergirl trailer was better than Lucifer's (althought that's not saying much) but it's still not really filling me with confidence. Leaving aside the fact that writing a show about someone with Superman's powers is difficult (how do you challenge someone who can throw you across the room with her pinkie?) the

Actually, John did smoke. He didn't do so in the first few episodes, but by the end of the show he was smoking at least once an episode

It had better ratings because it was on a bigger network. Had it been on the CW from the start it probably would have gotten even worse ratings (partly because there the similarities with Supernatural would've been even more obvious)

I'd give it a B. It was a pretty good ending to an uneven, at best, season

The end of the episode killed me. Where's zombie Sydney Bristow when you need her?

Let Barry have his turn first though (and maybe a few more turns just for good measure)

That's what I meant. Asking Snart for help wasn't a good idea, but it was the only thing he could do

They're a government agency, right? So… budget cuts? It's either sending just a crummy plane to get the super dangerous superhumans or they turn Lian Yu into a hotel to get extra cash

Aren't the Amells cousins, not brothers?

Only one of the episode reviews has less than 300 comments (and that's because the other one has 299) and there are like 5 gimmick accounts that commented there every week. AVC is probably going to keep writing Gotham articles long after the show is inevitably cancelled next season

Didn't the V remake last two seasons? Or did I just imagine that terrible show?