
I was thinking of giving the show a shot, but that trailer was so goddamn awful it killed any interest I may have had in the show

Everyone's already discussed how awkward the Alicia/Kalinda scene was so I won't repeat the same thing.
My other big problem with this episode was the scene with the Florrick family (I was about to write "the entire Florrick family" but then remember that Jackie is supposedly still alive).

Can't say I'm very sad that Constantine was cancelled because, aside from a few episodes, the show wasn't that good, but it is a shame that Matt Ryan won't be able to keep playing the part* because he was perfect as John.

No, what happened in Constantine's case was that a few days after episode 5 aired NBC announced they weren't going to pick up more episodes beyond their initial order.
While most people assume the show isn't coming back it hasn't been officially cancelled either

Noooooooo- Oh wait, we've basically known this since the show only got renewed for a 10 episode season.

I'm actually hoping season 2 is also 13 episodes long. More than that and they may run the risk of relying too much on the case of the week format to pad things out

Not surprising but great news nonetheless. Now all they have to do is announce Ravi and Major are hooking up next season (what? I can dream)

You should give Jane the Viring a chance. I do think that the show's grades are waaay too high (I honestly don't understand why the show is getting so much critical acclaim) but it's still a pretty good show.
If nothing else Gina Rodriguez is great in it.

Ravi: "I'm a tall doctor with fantastic hair and a British accent. I don't even need to be this attractive - it's just icing"
Yeah, but you do work at the morg-… Who am I kidding? I still would.

I enjoyed the episode (duh, it had a giant telepathic gorilla) but it was basically filler.
Yeah, it's great that Iris is finally in the loop so not everything she does revolves around her love life, but nothing really relevant to this season's arc happened
Maybe if they had cut the Wells scenes and focused more on Iris

It probably makes me a terrible person, but I kinda hope Andy Mientus' CBS pilot tanks so he is free to come back to the show full time next season

That's not fair. Some of us prefer to write Eddie/Barry slashfic

Well, she recently found out pretty much everyone she knows has been lying to her, that her boyfriend was kidnapped by the same man who killed her boss (which she also didn't know) and that her dad was kidnapped by a psychic gorilla. So, I'd say she has a good excuse to be annoying this one time

Don't get me wrong, I agree that the show is still far from being terrible. I guess I'm justnot as fond of the show as I used to be because it has recovered from bad patches (season 4 being the best example) but, regardless of how good the season finale ends up being, that's not going to happen this season.

Well, Bryan writes all his twets in all caps, so there's obviously something wrong with him.

TGW has has an oddly bad season, which explains the ratings drop

Still prefer the Bacon Pancackes (ft. Alicia Keys) remix

She seems to hate most of Lotus (too much meddling from her label, I guess) so she barely promoted it.
YB had good reviews, I think, but without substantial promo the song was DOA

"It’s also time for Christina Aguilera to drop a new album, but that’s an entirely separate issue"
… that's something I never thought I'd read here. I agree though.

As I say whenever someone asks this, if you thought the show was entertaining when you dropped it then you can keep watching it. If you were bored/annoyed by the show at that point then there's little point in giving it a second chance because it hasn't improved.
What worked when the show started (Penguin, Bruce, the