
And Czuchry had most of his scenes with Archie until season 4, when Cary started to have more scenes with Alicia, so if Archie were the problem he probably would've said something sooner

"However Cary's trauma for Kalinda's departure was resolved in two 3 secs long scenes"
I don't know if I'd say it was resolved but yeah, the show should've spent more time with Cary (although we've been saying that for a long while now)
I do wonder though if the fact that those 3 seconds were probably the episode's best

I'm curious, is anyone excited about the prospect of Alicia and Finn starting up their own firm, shipping reasons aside?
I get that the writers can't have her join FLL again because they've established if she does then FLL loses its biggest client, but how is isolating Alicia with one character (one not particularly

It is but, from what I've read online, the show is only using the comic's basic setup to do its own thing.

"I had no idea Liv's mother was also a doctor"
Unless I'm misremembering something I think it's been established (maybe in the Halloween episode?) that Liv's mom is a hospital administrator

She does though. The DA needs to know he's a speedster to know how he killed her and also needs to know that's he's from the future to establish motive. Just knowing he killed her wouldn't do much in any minimally realistic court (and yes, I know that this is a show that has superhumans in it, but it's still somewhat

I don't understand how Wells confessing to killing Barry's mom was going to get his dad out of jail. If the DA didn't believe a shape-shifter existed last week, why would she have a better time believing that a time traveling speedster from the future killed Nora?

"P.P.S. Cary is coming along too. And Lana (I think… not sure what happened to her)."

I'm betting the note said "Your taste in wine sucks!". I doubt Alicia can handle someone speaking ill of her wines

I assume we're supposed to think she first threw in out in a "I don't give a crap about you" kind of way but a moment later the realization that Kalinda actually left hit her.
The scene didn't really work all that well though because the characters haven't interacted in forever so, as far as we're concerned, Alicia

What was the point of Dianne's storyline? The Kalinda subplot was obviously the most important one of the episode and, while it was ultimately pointless plot wise, the Alicia subplot could be said to have been a good way to show how paranoid her short time in politics has made her. But there was no reason at all for

One of the spinoff's characters is a time traveler though, so the Sara that's going to show up in that show may be simply be a time travelling Sara from sometime before her death

Doesn't JtV have one of the lowest ratings in the network? I think I read that only Beauty and the Beast was doing worse.

I think he genuinely likes Liv, but he totally lied about where he gets his brains from.
I hope I'm wrong because I liked him and Liv together, but he's probably getting his brains through more murder-y means

But Barry was still tied up in his closet. Caitlin only let him out after Everyman had already escaped

Yeah, it probably needed more time in the centrifuge. Not to say that Caitlin wasn't sure it was going to work

Disgruntled policemen in cars getting whiskey?

Iris' main problem is that the writers keep trying to force us to like her and Barry together instead of letting their relationship evolve naturally, which is what's happened with every other relationship.
We care more about Barry and Eddie together because their relationship has developed organically, so it doesn't

So, I'm not the only one who was hoping Eddie was going to kiss Barry after Barry got him out of the police station, right?

Well, being one of the leads in a Disney movie (even if it wasn't its most successful movie ever of the last few years*) is better than nothing