
Didn't he voice one of the main characters in Tangled?

As one of the (apparently few) people here that kinda likes Gotham I'd say… maybe?
Bruce's storyline is still good, nothing interesting has happened in Penguin's since he got his club, Gordon's has gotten slightly better, Fish's has gotten worse and Riddler's is still pointless. Oh, and Barbara remains the worst

"If you want early 20s, try Please Like Me"

On its own this was a good episode, but as a part of a greater whole I'd agree that its infuriating the writers are undoing almost everything that's happened this season

But if Diane goes to prison presenting falsified evidence that could make the firm loose clients, which would hurt its profits. And if David cares about anything is how much money he makes

I also don't have any problems understanding what he's saying… and English isn't even my first language

No one of the show's best episodes for sure, but giving it a C seems harsh. I thought it was an improvement over the last few episodes (certainly over last week's mess).

Who is still his biggest claim to fame, but he's actually done quite a few things since then.
Aside from Broadchurch he's guest starred in a couple shows (that dumb Stars/BBC show from last year and another period drama), starred in Once in Broadway and London, (like you mentioned) played Mephistopheles, played one

I was probably going to give the show a chance anyway, but Darvill getting cast made it a definite thing.

I get that the writers wanted to use the Sony hack as a storyline but… this was not even close to being the best way to handle it

HoD was never a perfect show (it took them way too long for the writers to acknowledge Zoe/Wade worked much better than Zoe/George, s03 was wildly uneven, the random pairing of George and AB) but I'll still miss it.
I love the CW's genre shows (and love that for a while it was the only network to consistently give

Well, regardless of anyone's opinion on the show, The Leftovers does have a lot of buzz (if only because people like to complain about it) and I'm guessing better ratings.
Outside of The AVClub I don't think I've seen anyone talk about Looking

You mention how Lucifer and Constantine originate in superhero universes, which is true, but the problem is that they are also very different shows than SHIELD or Agent Carter
Constatine and the Walking Dead are basically horror shows, so the fact that they are adapted from comics shouldn't really matter

But that's what I'm saying. If people were complaining about there being a lot of superhero shows I could understand it because, as your list shows, there are a lot airing or in development (although I don't know if I'd count Gotham as a superhero show)
But usually the complaint isn't about there being a lot of shows

I assume it's supposed to be a joke, but I don't really get why there being a lot of comic book adaptations on TV/film is a bad thing.
I mean, if they were all superhero shows I'd get it because it would be overkill, but as long as they adapt comics from different genres it's fine IMO

This didn’t make much sense, since in their last appearance, Heat Wave made a point of mentioning that he knew his flamethrower inside and out, implying that they’d be able to reconstruct the guns on their own. In fact, Cold even calls back to that in this episode, but for some reason they still need Cisco. Maybe


Like @implausible_deniability:disqus said, it probably wasn't gold, but we could also assume that, like Cold, she's just doing it for the thrill of it

Diane's part of the episode was pretty good. Platt and Baranski had pretty good chemistry so I really liked their scenes, and while he was a bit of a caricature their debate was probably the best part of the episode

No, they hired David Lee back because he makes a lot of money for the firm, which helps to make up for the money they lost when Chum Hum left the firm.