
Because while the stuff at the end was awesome the episode was weighed down by all the Barry/Iris/Linda/Eddy stuff. Without those scenes it would've been a straight A for sure

"Not sure why some are saying they cared more about (Rob?) and David's relationship than any of the Barry/Iris stuff, seems like an unnecessary comparison to me."

That was… okay? I'm not quite sure what to think of it really.

Unfortunately Diane hasn't had a lot of screen time in the last few episodes, so there's not a lot of time for her to exhibit her awesome chain collection. Yet another reason why the sidelining of the FLA side of the cast in favor of the campaign sucks so much

It depends on who you ask. I think the general opinion here is that is sucks but some of us like it even though its a pretty flawed show

But the characters in Flash don't have to spend a lot of time figuring out who the metahuman of the week is. They usually find out in the first 15 minutes or so and then spend the rest of the episode figuring out how to catch him/her and actually doing so. This is great because it gives us more scenes of Flash being a

I don't like the colors (dark colors work in Snyder's movies because everything goes through a grim-dark filter in his movies) but the design of the suit is ok, I guess.

Iris is Wally's eventual wife

Then yeah, you're better off staying away from it. As I said, the show hasn't improved that much, so unless you're a fan of hate watching there's no point in even giving it another shot

If you watched the first few episodes and thought they were entertaining then you can keep watching the show. If you were bored/annoyed by them then there's little point in giving it a second chance because the show hasn't improved that much.

I'll second the Please Like Me recommendation.
I'm one of the very few who thought its second season was weaker than its first (mainly because it made some of the same mistakes that Looking is doing in its second season by expanding its cast without actually developing it a lot) but the show is still great

I assume it was an acting choice, but everything about that scene was sappy. The music, Grace saying Alicia is the best person she knows (although we only ever see Grace in the apartment, so for all we know she doesn't know that many people), Alicia breaking down in tears

As a random episode Good Wife episode this wasn't terrible, it was just ok. But as the first episode after a long hiatus? It was just plain disappointing.
I understand the whole point of the campaign is to show us how much Alicia is deviating from who she thinks she is, but after a while it gets a bit repetitive.

Vixen is getting an animated web series. I think I read that if it does well she may show up in Arrow or Flash, so they may also end up using her here if that happens

I still think the ATOM suit looks kinda dumb but yeah, the episode gets major props for scruffy Ray and even more for shirtless Ray. Shame it wasn't scruffy shirtless Ray though…

I've actually said so a few times here and the only one who said anything remotely critical was Whovian, and he only said I hated fun, so I doubt anyone really cares what I think about GotG (or, going by my upvotes, anything not related to The Good Wife)

While I'd agree that the Oscars tend to ignore "genre" films and tend to only give them technical noms as a way to pretend they care about them (something which the Emmys are just as guilty of) I don't know if I'd say there's been a superhero film lately that's actually deserved to be nominated in the Best Picture

But he also isn't a very unknown character. I mean, I've never played a Half Life game (not very into shooters) but I still know who he is

Wait, 20 episodes? Do you have a source for that?
Because I remember reading the show had gotten renewed for a third season back in July but it was only for 10 episodes

I'm more interested in Iris' boyfriend, so the sweater doesn't make me like her more :P